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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Where to store indexes for partitioned tables?
MrSmee wrote:
> Hi there,
> I've decided to create a table that will use a "sliding window"
> technique to add a new partition to the table on a monthly basis, and
> at the same time, drop the oldest partition. I'm also thinking of
> storing each partition in it's own tablespace. So basically, I will
> have a partitioned table, with each partition in a sepearate
> tablespace.
> My questions regard the creation of indexes for this table.
> I intend to use local partitioned indexes. The syntax for this
> to be along the lines:
> create index my_index_name on my_table(column_name)
> (
> tablespace my_tablespace
> local(
> parition partition_name_1 tablespace TBS1
> parition partition_name_2 tablespace TBS2
> parition partition_name_3 tablespace TBS3
> )
> )
> Question 1)
> To check that I understand the syntax: in the above example, the
> reference of tablespace ("tablespace my_tablespace") refers to the
> tablespace that all the index partitions will be stored in, and if
> is omitted, the default tablespace will be used? The other references
> to tablespace - in the "local" section - just instruct the index to
> partitioned in accordance with the underlying table. Is this correct?
> Question 2)
> How should indexes be stored in tablespaces? Is it okay to store them
> all in the default tablespace, or should they be allocated sepearate
> tablespaces? Should the fact that a table or index is partitioned
> affect this descision?
> Regards,
> Mr Smee.
Received on Fri Jan 28 2005 - 05:53:04 CST