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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Agent failed to start on 9206 wrote:
> It is pretty easy to determine you are childish from your words.
> Very easy. Just look back at your posts.
> What a wonderful world.
Looking back upon my posts I see nothing which exhibits any childish attitude. Looking back upon your posts the proof is abundant, starting with your initial response to Sybrand Bakker (I shall not re-post it here as it is juvenile, rude and is already a part of the public record). Subsequent posts have not improved your demeanor nor the content. Your hehaviour is not unlike that of a spoiled child used to getting everything he or she wants, and who was told for the first time "no". Ranting and raving like a lunatic does nothing to further your case, it only proves your immaturity and inability to deal effectively with other people. I could quote examples from your posts to prove my points, however the content is simply not worth repeationg for the sake of argument. Everyone reading this thread knows who is behaving like a 4-year-old. Try as you might to foist your behaviour onto others, your own words say more about you than anyone else every could.
Apologise to the group for your dismal display of disregard for others, or choose to leave us in peace.
I shall not respond further to your posts until you do so. David Fitzjarrell Received on Tue Jan 18 2005 - 08:09:06 CST