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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: imp from 8.1.7 to 8.1.6 wrote:
> > Please look up the definition backward compatible.
> > A higher version database is backwards compatible with a
> > lower version client.
> > Please keep your comments for elsewhere in this cosmos,
> > preferably at least on the moon.
> Sorry if I got a little glib and I agree "backwards compatable" is as
> you say. But as a software engineer, I always try to include a
> mechanism to allow data sharing from versions both forwards and
> backwards.
> I understand it is possible to go from 817 to 816 but only if you
> 816 installed. I didn't elaborate in the original question but our
> customer is touchy about various versions of anything on their system
> and is unwilling to reinstall 816. That is of course my problem,
> secure system requires a lot of regulations to do anything.
Your are supporting a customer and don't even have the same release of software that your customer is using? I am very surprised that your customer is OK with that fact.
Received on Thu Jan 27 2005 - 18:46:32 CST