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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> remote login as sysdba
Hi NG,
I try to connect per sqlplus from an XP Oracle Client to a SUSE LINUX Oracle
9.2.0 Server.
A connect as: sqlplus system/oracle_at_oradb is ok.
But when I try to connect as sysdba I have a Problem. The connect User is in
Windows group ORA_DBA. Over Enterprise Management Console I can connect as
sysdba. In init<SID>.ora file on server I have the entry:
I tried:
sqlplus system/oracle_at_oradb
sys as sysdba
--> ORA-12560 TNS .....
What can I do ????
Uwe Received on Wed Jan 19 2005 - 05:01:34 CST