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Re: Need help getting a grant

From: Steven Green <>
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2005 12:45:35 GMT
Message-Id: <>

> A developer using what tools & developing what kind of applications?

I am mainly a programmer. I know C, C++, COBOL and Java. I have done some development with Informatica as well. We developed a some client server and some batch applications, primarily on the Unix, sun Solaris environment.

> What DBA skills/knowledge have you acquired in the last 8 years?

I have experience primarily with Sybase and a little Oracle (DB2 also, but I don't remember any of that)

I have written stored procedures.
I have done some database design work, a touch of ErWin. I have installed oracle for development and testing purposes, but nothing fancy.

> If you wrote (or were pointed at) a slow running SQL statement,
> how would you go about making it run faster?

The only main thing I could think of is to reduce the number of joins, ie simplify the sql, or that not being possible check to see if Indexes are being used. If not determine if another index is appropreate.

let me add, the course I want to take is 384 hours in length. They assume knowledge of relational databases and some development experience.

The class covers a wide range of things, some just a useful to a developer as they are to a DBA.

The class is really a series made up of the following classes: 1) Linux Fundamentals: a little redundant since I already use Linux, in fact I am using Linux now.
2) Database Concepts and SQL: This class covers the design, modelling and SQL to create the database.
3) PL/SQL Programming: covers stored procedures, functions, packages and triggers.
4) Oracle security and auditing: covers granting of privalages to users and roles as well as using triggers for auditing. 5) Arch. and Administration: covers things like creating databases, managing table spaces, starting and stopping an oracle instance, and a lot of other things.
6) Backup & Recovery: covers database recovery using conventional methods (there words) and RMAN as well as other details relating to database backup and recovery.
7) Performance Tuning: covers SQL Statements, identifying top sessions, tracing user sessions, table and tablespace sizing and capacity planning. 8) Final Project Received on Thu Jan 06 2005 - 06:45:35 CST

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