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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Beginner help needed in database design
"Mark Townsend" <> wrote in message
> Mark A wrote:
> > But I have a right to defend myself against this scurrilous and
> > unprofessional person named Daniel Morgan.
> So that's your entire point to this campaign ? You are pissed of with
> Daniel ?
> But the thing is - nobody here knows who you are - there is no way
> anybody can relate your avatar to an actual person, so no professional
> damage can be done. You also have no history in this newsgroup, so you
> have no mana to preserve either.
> So exactly what is is that you think you need to defend ?
> I think it's boarding on just pure bloody-mindedness.
No Mark. I posted the original TPC benchmark report because it specifically
mentioned Oracle RAC and was interesting since it compares performance and
cost of 2 completely different architectures (1-64 processor node vs. 16-4
processor Intel nodes). Daniel complains about apples vs. oranges
comparisons, but would anyone run RAC on a single 64 processor node? By
definition, comparing Oracle RAC to DB2 is always apples vs. oranges.
From the Intel website: "The Intel® Itanium 2 processor, Intel's highest-performing and most reliable server platform, moves you beyond proprietary RISC platforms to help you meet your business-critical computing needs with proven capability and mainframe-class reliability."
According to the Intel website, the fastest The Intel® Itanium 2 processor now available has a speed of 1.6 GHz. The Oracle benchmark used 1.5 GHz chips. So are you or Daniel claiming that Oracle RAC would have beaten the DB2 benchmark with the slightly faster chips now available from Intel?
The subsequent personal attacks on me from Daniel Morgan (just like the attacks he has made on others in this newsgroup) for posting the same benchmark information as he did are un-called for and I will defend myself against them when I see fit.
I am independent consultant, I have Oracle installed on my home-office server and occasionally use it, as do my clients use it. So I have every right to post on this newsgroup without Daniel Morgan's permission.
Insofar as attacks against the professional reputation of Daniel Morgan, the attacks against him (people defending themselves against Daniel first attacking them) started long before I got here. Received on Sat Jan 29 2005 - 15:21:58 CST
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