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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: What's wrong with this SQL?
Holger Baer wrote:
> ohaya wrote:
> >>I greatly dislike in-line constraint creation which is what you are
> >>doing and would suggest you just build the table and then use ALTER
> >>TABLE to create your primary key and other constraints. There is no
> >>need to be building an index that already exists.
> >>
> >>For one thing your primary key should probably bet PCTFREE 0 so as
> >>not to read mostly vacuum.
> >
> >
> >
> > Daniel,
> >
> > As I tried to indicate (possibly not clearly), this isn't a script that
> > I wrote. It came from a vendor, and it needs to be run to populate our
> > Oracle database serve in order to get their application working.
> >
> > In speaking with their technical support, they're telling me that
> > they're not aware that any of their other customers have had problem
> > with running the script, so it seems unless I can convince them that
> > there is a problem, or unless I can find out how to fix it, I'm kind of
> > stuck :(...
> >
> > I'm not sure if I posted enough of the script, but if I did,
> > specifically what would you suggest to eliminate the ORA-01408 error?
> >
> > Thanks...
> >
> > Jim
> baer_at_casp003:~> oerr ora 1408
> 01408, 00000, "such column list already indexed"
> // *Cause:
> // *Action:
> Get rid of the create index statement. Could it be that you're using
> a different version than the vendor intended? Check with your vendor
> if they tested their script with the version you're using.
> Holger
I spent most of this evening talking to them about this, and like I said, they claim I'm the only one who's seeing this problem :(. And yes, I'm working with what they call one of their "certified" configurations in their product matrix, Oracle 9i on Solaris 9.
Question: If I can eliminate the "CREATE INDEX", what kind of problem with that cause? In that case, wouldn't the index "XIE1ss_sessionspec5" be missing???
I'm wondering if it might be safer (semantically less side-effects?) to eliminate the "PRIMARY KEY(sessionid)" clause in the "CREATE TABLE ss_sessionspec5" just about the "CREATE INDEX"??
Jim Received on Fri Jan 14 2005 - 02:07:35 CST
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