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Re: Question: Use Trigger to Prevent Deletes with no Where Clause?

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: 17 Jan 2005 07:35:03 -0800
Message-ID: <>

In article <csggqh$od8$>, Noel says...
>Użytkownik Thomas Kyte napisał:
>> In article <cs8g01$sha$>, Noel says...
>>>Użytkownik Thomas Kyte napisał:
>> Oh, now -- you want to talk SPEED? "count(*)" after each delete?
>> I'll take approach
>> a) look for where clause (answers the question)
>> over
>> b) count rows as they are deleted, when threshold hit -- stop. no one would
>> even notice this for 10's of rows, which is the most likely situation.
>> over
>> c) count every row in the table every time we delete 0, 1 or more rows.
>Hello Thomas.
>I didn't check previosly, but now i did.
>As i suspect trigger with count(*) will fire ONCE for statetment, so
>your interpretation of c is wrong.

No it is not -- my interpretation is definitetly not wrong.

I said

"count every row in the table every time we delete 0, 1 or more rows"

That is precisely what happens.

I delete zero rows:
delete from t where 1=0;
you will count each and every row.

I delete precisely zero or one row:
delete from t where rownum = 1;
You will count each and every row.

I delete all rows:
delete from t where 1=1;
you will once again, issue a select count(*) from T; attempting to count each and every row.

I stand by my answer that A, B, C in that order would be my preference.

Think about it -- EVERY TIME someone does a delete, you will issue a select count(*) from T. Every time -- each and every time.

You would discover that to be hugely expensive as compared to counting rows as you delete them and aborting the delete when you hit some threshold.

Thomas Kyte
Oracle Public Sector
opinions are my own and may not reflect those of Oracle Corporation
Received on Mon Jan 17 2005 - 09:35:03 CST

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