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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Coding for ORA-02291 in Pl/SQL
I want to trap an execption from a table insert where the Oracle exception code will be ORA-02291 . Can I code the exception as follows:
-- -- INSERT INTO PRICE_LIST_DTL for CATG within CLASS -- BEGIN <<insert_prlstdtl>> INSERT INTO PRICE_LIST_DTL ( PRICE_LIST_IDReceived on Mon Jan 31 2005 - 16:04:30 CST
) VALUES ( lv_plid
); EXCEPTION WHEN ORA-02291 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ERROR - RI DATA NOT FOUND for UPC = ' || lv_upc_id); lv_wng:=lv_wng+1; rc:=04; GOTO continue; WHEN OTHERS THEN line_out := '** ERROR: '|| QLCODE || ':'||SQLERRM||'**'; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(line_out); rc:=12; GOTO abend; END insert_prlstdtl; will the above code WHEN ORA-02291 trap the error?