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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Beginner help needed in database design
> Mark A wrote:
> >
> > I will also note that Mark Townsend (Oracle employee) has posted
> > about TPC-H benchmarks in the DB2 newsgroup where Oracle beat IBM.
> >
> "Mark Townsend" <> wrote in message
> You mean the post I made in reply to the following question asked on the
> newsgroup ?
> "Then where are the benchmarks and real customer references to prove it?"
> Give it a rest.
Mark Townsend, I notice that when you and Daniel quote someone (like my post
above), you almost always have a nasty habit of editing the quote to make
you look good. I like to quote exactly (including the IBM website). You
edited out the point that I was making.
For example, I mentioned that on the DB2 newsgroup you boasted about an Oracle TPC-H benchmark where Oracle beat DB2, but you failed to mention that the DB2 benchmark (for that particular DB size) was from 2002 and the Oracle benchmark was done in late 2004 with hardware that will not be available to the public until mid 2005. Of course, you failed to mention any of these extenuating circumstances.
Isn't that the exact same thing that Daniel was complaining about in the DB2 benchmark? That the Oracle benchmark/hardware was outdated? The hypocrisy never stops. Received on Sat Jan 29 2005 - 13:23:22 CST