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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Move 8i instances into 9R2 schemas
I have the following situation:
3 instances of Oracle 8i ( on Windows 2000 Server SP4 for 3 applications. The schemas of the 3 instances are identical except for the data. They are used for an application for 3 different groups.
Now I want to move them into one 9R2 ( on Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4) instance into different schemas.
The database is very simple. Some tables, and some foreign constraints. Nothing else, No procedures, no java, no triggers.
What I tried is create the new instance and all the schemas.
It looks like this:
schema1 schema2 schema3 Old_Instance2: schema1 schema2 schema3 Old_Instance3: schema1 schema2 schema3 New_Instance: group1_schema1 group1_schema2 group1_schema3 group2_schema1 group2_schema2 group2_schema3 group3_schema1 group3_schema2 group3_schema3
I then used exp on the old server to expert the schemas on Old_instance1 and imp and the same server (I read that I always should use the lower version of two different instances when exp/imp) to the new instance.
The data is ok but on the old instance user schema3 hat grants on schema1, same with schema2 on schema1.
These grants failed with the import. I used the following cmdlines:
exp sys/xxx_at_old_instace1 file=e:\export\old_instance1.dmp log=e:\export
\old_instance1.log owner=(schema1, schema2, schema3)
then I issued the following imp cmds:
imp privuser/xxx_at_new_instace file=e:\export\old_instance1.dmp log=e:
\export\imp.log fromuser=schema1 touser=group1_schema1
imp privuser/xxx_at_new_instace file=e:\export\old_instance1.dmp log=e:
\export\imp.log fromuser=schema2 touser=group1_schema2
imp privuser/xxx_at_new_instace file=e:\export\old_instance1.dmp log=e:
\export\imp.log fromuser=schema3 touser=group1_schema3
but as I said the grants fail because imp tries grants to schema2 on the new instance but this does not exist.
How can I solve this? Am I doing it completely wrong? What should I do instead?
Thanks for any hints.
-- mfg Marc EggenbergerReceived on Thu Jan 06 2005 - 02:47:40 CST
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