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Oracle-L: by subject
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Wed Nov 21 2001 - 13:58:24 CST)
- Moucka otakar (Wed Nov 21 2001 - 12:59:11 CST)
- Mohan, Ross (Wed Nov 21 2001 - 10:33:17 CST)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Wed Nov 21 2001 - 10:24:44 CST)
- "Application DBA" vs. DBA vs. Application Administrator
- (no subject)
- * Oracle 8i DBA Needed in New York City..
- 10.7 on sequent to 11i on sun
- 11.5.4 Easy Question (?)
- 11.5.4 Easy Question (?) - Resolved
- 25 words or less - ETL's - opinions (best of) and nightmares (my
- 32-bit Oracle on 64-bit Unix
- 9i certification for RH 7.1 location
- 9i install on Win2K
- 9i install on Win2K (an update)
- 9i new features series: yea i'm late with this weeks 9i feature on datatypes
- 9i RAC
- 9iAS
- 9ias Vs IIS
- ? ORA-04031
- [Fwd: Oracle DBA/Developer Position]
- [suse-oracle] Problem Starting SQL Loader
- A problem
- accessing reports processed by the reports server
- ACM SIGMOD-papers of interest #1
- Alter different session
- Altering Indexes
- Alternatives to Pathworks?
- Analyze only latest partition
- Ang: Testing
- Another Oracle DBA gets "The Bullet"
- Another Oracle DBA gets "The Bullet" in the - Sorry little long winded
- Another Oracle DBA gets "The Bullet" in the UK - Seeking an O
- Another Oracle DBA gets "The Bullet" in the UK - Seeking an Oracle
- Another Oracle DBA gets "The Bullet" WAS: Help!: Job Descrip
- Another Oracle DBA gets "The Bullet" WAS: Help!: Job Description for
- Antwort:
- Antwort: komplex sql
- Antwort: ORA - 12560: TNS: protocol adapter error
- Any DBA or Oracle Jobs in MA - Boston
- applications patches
- applying patch 2032040 to Oracle Purchasing
- aps_data_files
- Arch configuration -- I/O stuck
- archival log
- Are corrupt index_partitions marked as unusable?
- ASCII Char function
- Audit vs Logminer
- Available Immediately for Contract or Permanent Position
- average log write size and stripe size
- AW: Terminal Server / svrmgrl
- Backing up a database on WindowsNT
- Backup strategy
- backup unix script
- bad BIND variable
- Base table of materialized views
- bizarre AQ problem
- blowing out rollbacks on select statements?
- Buffer Busy Waits -- Sanity check
- Buffer Busy Waits -- Sanity check please
- Bug 1367773
- Calling SQL*Plus and Run Procedure in UNIX script, How ?
- changing password of default users
- characterset database
- Checking DB Status in NT env.
- checking users's password
- Checkpoint Duration
- CLOB datatype
- close_cached_open_cursors "error"
- column comments for v$ and x$ tables
- Command line utility to show installed Oracle software
- Comments on RMAN
- commit rate
- compaq tru64 & upgrade 8i to 9i
- Compaq's RAIDs and RAID terminology
- Concatinate with a '''
- Concealing SQL Loader password from ps -ef
- Configuring for Online Redo Logfiles
- Connecting 8.0 to 8.1
- Connecting Sybase from Oracle
- Connecting to Oracle from ASP ?
- Connection question?
- Constraint Enable/Disable
- Control files & Redo Logs
- Correction : EMC symetrix - 1M stripe width - Raid 0+
- Correction : EMC symetrix - 1M stripe width - Raid 0+1 - Perform
- Correction : EMC symetrix - 1M stripe width - Raid 0+1 - Performa
- create database scripts v8.0.6 & 8.1.7
- create trigger after insert
- create trigger and create any trigger
- Creating a Reporting Instance
- Crontabs and Oracle
- Data Deletion in Tables with Foreign Keys
- Data integration script using PERL
- Data Warehouse Raid-5 Shark Environment
- database config assistant
- Database Copy Problem
- Database Resource Manager -- Known Problems/ Issues?
- Database Structure
- Dba studio under 9i for Linux?
- DBASSIST in 9i
- dbms_mview.refresh and dba_mviews.compile_state
- dbv help
- dbv Output - Pages Failing (Data)
- Dead locks
- Deadlocks ORA-60
- Delete slowing..
- Deleting files on w2k
- Destination address unreachable
- Determinants of control file
- Diagrams generated from tables?
- difference of standard edition from enterprise
- Disabling Constraints
- Discoverer 4i FYI
- Discoverer on Citrix
- Disk Layout Document
- Disk to Disk backups and RMAN
- Distribution of 4 DB in a Symmetrix Box -- URGENT
- doubts reg : Tablespace
- Doubts reg :Export and import
- Duplicating a Database and Changig SID
- Efficiency testing
- Email through trigger
- EMC symetrix - 1M stripe width - Raid 1 - Performance
- enable the partitioning option in database?.
- EnCrypting
- Enqueue tuning
- Enterprise Versus Standard
- Enterprise Versus Standard - Thanks
- Enterprisemanager?
- Erroors in externel procedure trace file
- Error during 9i installation
- Errors running catdbsyn.sql
- executing unix commands from PL/SQL
- exp a big tablespace
- EXPORT problem
- Export Problem - Urgent
- Export/Import Job
- export/import questions
- extenal procedure listener and firewall
- Extract from latest SANS security digest
- Failed to archive log
- failed to extend rollback segment ??????
- Failures in creating Oracle database file.
- Favor requested
- Find DBA users
- Fixing a DB
- For You Telnet Experts
- Forms and Reports Server 6i minus iAS
- Forms debug mode and procedure-based technique
- Forms6
- Freelist question.
- frequent commit ???
- frequent commit, example ??? HELP
- ftp
- ftp tools
- function based index
- Fwd: A problem
- Fwd: Extproc problem...
- Fwd: load flat file to Oracle
- FYI - another good Oracle list
- gnarly delete statement?
- good workaround for a ORA-2016?
- Grant a cluster?
- Grumble, grumble
- guess I'm presenting at OOW
- Has anyone heard of "Mirror Accessible"?
- Have a good Thanksgiving--THANKSGIVING_LOAD.SQL
- HELP : doubts regarding --- Tablespace ,Roll Segment , dif
- HELP : doubts regarding --- Tablespace ,Roll Segment , diff between oracle 8i and 9i, and between oracle 8i and previous versions - urgent
- Help!: Job Description for Data Architect
- HELP: my desktop is in for repairs
- hi
- hide password
- nlzanen1_at_EY.NL (Fri Nov 16 2001 - 02:35:40 CST)
- Tatireddy, Shrinivas (MED, Keane) (Fri Nov 16 2001 - 00:34:20 CST)
- Scott Shafer (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 23:48:26 CST)
- Deepak Thapliyal (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 23:32:43 CST)
- Tatireddy, Shrinivas (MED, Keane) (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 22:52:17 CST)
- Deepak Thapliyal (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 13:38:02 CST)
- Jared.Still_at_radisys.com (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 12:37:22 CST)
- Mohammad Rafiq (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 11:54:04 CST)
- Connor McDonald (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 11:31:33 CST)
- claudio cutelli (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 11:04:40 CST)
- Deshpande, Kirti (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 09:33:18 CST)
- Tirumala, Surendra (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 09:13:26 CST)
- Tatireddy, Shrinivas (MED, Keane) (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 08:43:14 CST)
- nlzanen1_at_EY.NL (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 07:54:53 CST)
- Tatireddy, Shrinivas (MED, Keane) (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 07:29:54 CST)
- hottbackup questions
- How Can I get A sequence Current Value in PROC
- How do you change default oracle home?
- how know solaris bit
- How to compare files on the server with local machine
- How to Drop a Table
- how to extract text from LONG field
- how to find files that are generated on a particular date
- How to get user lastname and first name when you have user logon
- How to identify processes that cause ORA-4030 errors
- How to Identify System Tables?
- How to import withoutduplrows
- How to port a DB(Ora815) on a different server (sameOS) but Ora817?
- How to programatically change the select statement for a LOV ?
- How to read trace file
- HP-UX 11/8.1.6/Cache Buffers Chains
- HS between Oracle and Sqlserver
- I forget the sight!!!
- I just submitted OEM feedback
- IDL_UB1$
- iFS and InterMedia - installation and configuration effort
- IMP-00037 Character marker set unknown
- import
- Import Help
- Import MS SQL Server 2000 DB into Oracle EE 8.1.7
- Import questions
- import/export problem in oem
- inactive sessions
- Index File Name
- Index not being used .... why?
- index size calculation
- initjvm.sql
- Inserstatement
- Inserstatement [lock/update subquery]
- Insert into ... as select ...
- Insert script generator
- Inserts with different conditions in pl/sql
- Install Client Tools on NT Workstation
- Internal Benchmarking
- IOT and ora-600 [ktbgcur_2] on NT 81714
- IOTs - based on primary keys vs based on universal rowids
- IP Address Change
- Is CKPT process is Mandatory in 8i
- Is Metalink down?
- is there an archive for this mailing list...
- Is this script correct ?
- java compiler error
- JDBC connections and SQL netTraffic
- komplex sql
- lack of memory
- latch wait
- Latest classes12.zip
- Linux client error
- Linux file locking question (semi-off top
- Linux file locking question (semi-off topic)
- linux flavors + solaris for intel
- List of synonyms
- List users planning to meet during Open world
- listener failed to start a dedicated server process
- Listener problems
- Listers meeting at OOW
- LMT Autoallocation question
- LMTs Uniform vs Autoallocate
- load flat file to Oracle
- Load listener.log via sqlldr
- log growing
- Logging on to SQLPLUS
- Login Scripts
- Logminer Question
- Long Column
- Longest SQL statements!!!
- lsnrctl - can I remove world executable privileges?
- lsnrctl error
- Major 11i issue question?
- Managing dblinks/synonyms across DEV/QA/PROD db environments
- Mass Storage/Network Stuff
- Memory Windows for HP-UX
- MetaLink Access: Solved (for me at least)
- MetaLink down?
- Metalink gone to sleep ?????
- Richard Ji (Wed Nov 21 2001 - 09:29:18 CST)
- SARKAR, Samir (Wed Nov 21 2001 - 08:47:48 CST)
- Thater, William (Wed Nov 21 2001 - 08:14:10 CST)
- Valuthur, Srikanth (Wed Nov 21 2001 - 08:06:22 CST)
- G.Plivna_at_itsystems.lv (Wed Nov 21 2001 - 07:53:08 CST)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Wed Nov 21 2001 - 07:32:59 CST)
- JDuhart_at_tax.state.va.us (Wed Nov 21 2001 - 07:00:19 CST)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Wed Nov 21 2001 - 06:31:28 CST)
- Jamadagni, Rajendra (Tue Nov 20 2001 - 15:09:46 CST)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Tue Nov 20 2001 - 14:28:00 CST)
- tday6_at_csc.com (Tue Nov 20 2001 - 14:03:56 CST)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Tue Nov 20 2001 - 12:29:29 CST)
- Thater, William (Tue Nov 20 2001 - 12:14:37 CST)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Tue Nov 20 2001 - 12:13:01 CST)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Tue Nov 20 2001 - 11:49:33 CST)
- SARKAR, Samir (Tue Nov 20 2001 - 11:26:53 CST)
- claudio cutelli (Tue Nov 20 2001 - 10:40:04 CST)
- Mujeeb Chowdhry (Tue Nov 20 2001 - 09:32:07 CST)
- Farnsworth, Dave (Tue Nov 20 2001 - 09:27:35 CST)
- SARKAR, Samir (Tue Nov 20 2001 - 09:13:15 CST)
- Microsoft Transaction Server hangs
- migrating browser queries
- Migration from Oracle 7.3.4 to Oracle 8.1.7 on IBM Cluster
- Morpheus killed my Oracle! Help!
- Move data from Oracle into Access
- Move tablespace with no downtime?
- MS SQL Server to Oracle Problem
- Multiple instances - Sun Solaris
- Multiple instances - Sun Solaris: shmsys and semsys settings
- multiple secure web vhost via apache?
- MVs on 8.0.5
- NAS and SAN
- Need Good OUTER Join
- Need Help Please - With Procedures
- Need help rewriting SQL with TRUNC function
- Need to update the ORACLE SID on W2000 Registry
- New flash
- Next extent problem
- NLS questions
- No Subject
- Not able to view table
- NOTE: Upgrading to 8i on HP/UX
- NT cmd file parameters
- Number of Transactions per 24hr period? - Urgent
- O/S upgrade
- Object Invalid
- OCP News for Military Veterans
- OCP tests
- Odd Listener.ora Stanza
- OEM and Intelligent Agent Compatibility Error
- OEM and Veritas backup agent for Oracle
- OEM error
- OEM for Personal Edition cannot connect
- Off Topic - Windows XP Dialup connection
- Off topic Perlesque question
- Oh no
- ok..this is funny.. how do you pronounce "tuple"
- Online index rebuilds
- OOW at 'lesser'
- OpenWorld dispatches
- Operating Systems
- cjgait_at_earthlink.net (Sun Nov 25 2001 - 16:18:03 CST)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 13:33:14 CST)
- Regina Harter (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 12:56:02 CST)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 12:54:58 CST)
- Scott Shafer (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 12:34:36 CST)
- Johnston, Tim (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 11:36:54 CST)
- Kimberly Smith (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 11:19:00 CST)
- Jan Pruner (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 09:16:23 CST)
- Mark Leith (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 08:56:45 CST)
- Mercadante, Thomas F (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 08:30:51 CST)
- Jan Pruner (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 08:10:26 CST)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 07:09:13 CST)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 06:49:14 CST)
- Jan Pruner (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 06:23:30 CST)
- Farnsworth, Dave (Thu Nov 15 2001 - 05:51:05 CST)
- Steven Lembark (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 23:22:24 CST)
- Scott Shafer (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 20:31:37 CST)
- Scott Shafer (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 18:15:52 CST)
- Scott Shafer (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 17:16:15 CST)
- Richard Ji (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 16:18:07 CST)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 15:49:00 CST)
- Ron Rogers (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 14:53:16 CST)
- Byron Pearce (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 14:50:39 CST)
- Boivin, Patrice J (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 13:57:17 CST)
- dgoulet_at_vicr.com (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 13:43:06 CST)
- Rodd Holman (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 12:52:52 CST)
- HAWKINS, JAMES W [IT/1000] (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 12:49:35 CST)
- Ron Rogers (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 12:49:22 CST)
- Gene Sais (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 12:34:45 CST)
- Scott Shafer (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 12:29:23 CST)
- Yohans Mendoza (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 12:26:12 CST)
- Regina Harter (Wed Nov 14 2001 - 12:06:19 CST)
- ORA - 12560: TNS: protocol adapter error
- ora 24314 service handle not initialized
- ORA 600 error can't find reference on Metalink
- Ora 817 diff Ora816
- ORA-01720 while trying to grant select on a view
- ORA-02070 error!
- ORA-03113
- ora-03113 & ora-03114
- ORA-04030 - Is it CLOB problem?
- ORA-04031
- Ora-1031 (Insufficient Privileges) Inserting BLOB Data With P erl
- Ora-1031 (Insufficient Privileges) Inserting BLOB Data With Perl
- ORA-12701 on Oracle 9i
- ORA-1410
- ORA-4031 error on one instance but not on other
- ORA-600-[2845] on Solaris 8 with ORA
- Oracle & Arcserve
- Oracle 7 documentation - Good One
- Oracle 7 password security
- Oracle 7.1 Listener question
- Oracle 7.2 32 bit Oracle Ole Objects
- Oracle 8.1.7 and 5.1A Cluster
- Oracle 8i Installation Problem
- Oracle 8i vs. 9i on linux - stablility issues with 9i?
- Oracle 8i vs. 9i on linux.
- Oracle on Win2k: stalls during installation: 85% "D
- Oracle on Win2k: stalls during installation: 85% "Database Configuration Assistant"
- Oracle 9i and OEM
- Oracle 9i New Features
- Oracle 9i Problem
- Oracle and MQ
- Oracle and UDB
- Oracle Apps Hints and Techniques
- Oracle Archiving insanely
- Oracle client compatibility with Windows XP
- Oracle Data Guard
- Oracle Database Group Manager Needed in Boston
- Oracle DB_Diff
- Oracle DBA Team Leader Needed in Milwaukee
- Oracle DBA with Peoplesoft Needed in Houston- Must Travel..
- Oracle Expert and FK indexes
- Oracle express errors
- Oracle Finacials and pdf report generation
- Oracle Financials DBA Team Leader Needed in Chicago..
- Oracle Forms Builder bug?
- oracle hangs, but why?
- Oracle Label Security
- Oracle license historic price
- Oracle on NT startup question
- Oracle Partnership Program
- Oracle related docs/OCP materials
- Oracle software on RAID 5
- Oracle Text (ConText/InterMedia) and realtime updates
- Oracle the best
- ORACLE-L Digest -- Volume 2001, Number 318
- Oracle/UNIX vs. Oracle/NT
- Oracle8i on WinNT - renaming disc drives
- oraMTS service and NT4 locale setting
- ORAxxxx & trace files.
- OT - RAM disk
- OT : 9ias Vs IIS
- OT : linux flavors
- OT [SUMMARY]OT: "SunManagers Like" Linux Mailing list
- OT: Favor requested
- OT: NT cmd file parameters
- OT: Oracle and MQ
- OT: Solaris
- OT: SqlSever 2000 question
- OT: Sybase
- OT: Win2K Drive Mapping Question
- OT: X Win client
- OT_salary
- Other Database Mailling Lists
- parallize printing reports to different printers
- parameter comparison
- Parsing free-form text for InterMedia indexing
- Partitioning Tables
- Partly OT: Developer seeks job
- pass a value from a shell script to a store procedure
- PATCH confirmation
- performance question
- Personal Oracle & tools on WIN98
- pfs_mount/umount
- PL/SQL package to emulate MySQL functions?
- PL/SQL problems
- PL/SQL question
- PL/SQL, UTL FILE dynamic read v$parameter
- Please Help - user details of the sql statement being run not being found
- PLsql question
- Poor dc_histogram_defs hit rate
- poor parse/execute ratio.. next steps?
- portable statistics
- Possibly moving to Sun Equipment
- Power outage
- Problem importing objects to different tablespace
- Problem Running DDL SQL Script
- Problem Starting SQL Loader
- Problems with Linking PROC Code
- Problems with Pro*C
- Problems with SQL Server Link Server to ORACLE
- Pull NEXTVAL thru a DB_LINK
- Query not using Materialized Views
- Question! ORA-12571
- RAM Disks, redo logs, a
- RAM Disks, redo logs, and b
- RAM Disks, redo logs, and beer
- range checking ??? URGENT
- range function ??? URGENT
- Raw partition Vs File System
- real newbie question (i think)
- reattaching datafiles
- recover on different hardware
- recreate controlfile
- Reliable alerting system that is not so costly??
- Remote link to Sybase
- Remote Links
- renaming Constraints
- Repairing corrupt datablocks
- Replication question
- Replication: general overview
- Report waiting on SQL*Net message from client
- Reset SID
- result set storage
- Resume issues - (Not posting my resume)
- Revoke Delete
- RMAN disaster recovery
- rman disk channel destination
- rman question
- RMAN, Netbackup question
- Rollback Segment Too Old !!!!!!!
- row creation or update date??
- sanity check
- Script to Disable Constraint, Change Value, then Enable Const
- Script to Disable Constraint, Change Value, then Enable Constrain
- Scripting and NT
- select and rollback
- select from dual?
- selftest q's doubt
- seouc in Feb.
- sequence of numbers
- session marked for kill
- set_sql_trace_in_session
- Siebel - ODB.
- Siebel.
- Slow connection time
- Snapshot Problems
- Sockets and Pl/SQL
- Solaris
- Solaris - db_file_multiblock_read_count
- Solaris 8 and Oracle 7.3.4
- Some 9i Questions - Help!
- SQL Navigator Question
- SQL Query OutPut
- SQL query tuning problem
- SQL question
- Sql question - please reply fast
- SQL Tuning
- sql-important
- Sqlimportante
- Sqlloader
- Sqlloader - important
- Sqlloader to VSAM
- Sqlloaderquetsion
- sqlquestion
- SqlSever 2000 question
- Standard Deviation
- standard VS enterprize
- Standby Database
- Startup error
- Statistics not updated
- strange NOLOGGING error
- Strip size recomendations for RAID5
- stripes, partitions, and spindles
- surpress message.
- SV: reattaching datafiles
- svrmgrl and W2k
- Synonyms can be VERY bad for performance
- system command from within stored procedure
- tablespace
- Tablespace Growth Monitoring
- tablespace not turning into read only mode
- Tahiti
- Tempfile - where to find the max size and the datafile extent
- Tempfile - where to find the max size and the datafile extent siz
- Temporary Tablespace Logging Problem
- Temporary Tablespace Problem
- Terminal Server / svrmgrl
- test
- Testing
- thanx
- Time Zone
- TNS Listener service question
- Toad vs SQL Navigator
- Toad vs. SQL Navigator
- TOAD-like tools for UNIX
- total tranx ran
- trace file removal
- Tracing a session - weird problem
- Tricky Query
- TTI Layer Function codes
- Two questions about PRO*C
- Unable to rebuild database from hot backup
- Unable to run catalog.sql
- UNIX help needed for sed multi-line pattern space
- Unix Oracle Processes
- unzip utility information
- Update ??
- update query??? HELP!!!
- Upgrade 8.0.5 to 8.1.6
- Upgrade to Solaris 8
- Upgrading from 8.0.5 to 8.0.6
- Urgent - error ORA-24327
- Urgent Fail Safe Question
- urgent help needed conversion
- User disconnects (ora-0311) and tracing
- UTF8 or AL16UTF16
- utl_file example
- v$session_wait
- v$session_wait event
- v$sqltext
- v$transaction and v$session
- Value of bind variables in tkprof
- Virtual NC on Solaris box
- VMS equivalent of ls -lrt
- W2000 Unix Command Equivalent
- We need the help from Oracle DBAs.
- Where are the Import/Export utilities in 9i
- Where is OEM Tuning Pack and Diagnostics Pack?
- Which OEM Agent version should I use?
- who execute scripts in Win NT like Unix!!
- why no DBMS OUTPUT messages ?
- why shrink rollback segs?
- Win2K Drive Mapping Question
- write into lob variable
- X Win client
- {9i New Features: external tables}
- {9i New Features} New datatypes
- Last message date: Fri Nov 30 2001 - 23:22:34 CST
- Archived on: Sun Feb 22 2004 - 12:48:38 CST