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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Internal Benchmarking
I've had some luck with the tools described in Scaling Oracle8i by Morle. It has and awk script to parse out 10046 event trace sql and bind variable information and produce a tcl script suitable for dbaman. Dbaman is an extended tcl shell sotra-likea oratcl. I've used it to run sql that I have captured by setting event 10046. I turn on tracing for the system and for sessions already running. After the time period has elapsed I turn it off and proceed to collect all trace files into a working directory. I then feed each trace file into the awk script to produce the dbaman tcl script. I use a separate instance of dbaman to process each tcl file. I then reload the database from a golden copy and re-run the scripts, then repeat until I reach my tuning goal.
A few gotcha's; the current dbaman works with 7.3 libraries. And it has a quirk with the interpretation of the bind variables. If the bind variable begins with a number then it assumes that the rest of the characters are also numbers, so it chokes on "123ABC" when it fires of an execute operation. I dug into the dbaman code, found the IF-THEN line that was checking the first character and commented out the entire statement. I rebuilt dbaman according to the instructions and it worked. I'll post the changes if you are going to pursue dbaman.
The only thing I didn't try was to simulate the think/latency time. But that time can be extracted from the tim column in the sql trace file. I would do this in the awk script that is doing the initial translation of raw trace to dbaman tcl. The tim value is in 100'ths of a second but I don't know how to convert it to actual time of day. But the relative time between statements can be derived from it.
HTH. Tony Aponte
-----Original Message-----
From: Orr, Steve []
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 4:00 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Internal Benchmarking
Howdy All,
I want to create some database-only benchmarking scripts to reflect a
typical day in the life of a custom application. I'm thinking about using
LogMiner to get the redo and v$sqlarea to derive a representative mix of
queries. Maybe we can also sniff/parse the network traffic to the DB server.
Since I'm looking only at database activity I'm not too keen on applications
which merely record and replay end-user keystrokes and mouse clicks but I
would like to mimic delays in transaction commits due to network latency and
user indecision or whatever. I'd also like to be able to increase the load
intensity by factors of 10 to 1000. Has anyone created any application
specific benchmark routines and can you share some tips on how to do this?
Any good tools that you have used? Any comments on Mercury Interactive
stuff? Other ideas?
Steve Orr
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