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RE: Another Oracle DBA gets "The Bullet" WAS: Help!: Job Descrip

From: Jeffery Stevenson <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2001 05:57:57 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Bail money??? Why wasn't I invited? :)

Yeah, like was mentioned, there's some positions available in Austin, but not as prevalent as it used to be. VC money has been tightened up so a lot of these companies looking to grow have been hit hard (and the bigger companies are just cutting back to save money). The problem I see though is that companies seem to be trimming back too much. I'm starting to hear little rumours here and there of companies going, "Maybe we shouldn't have gotten rid of most of our support/operations people?" It's not bad here'll pick back up again...and I agree it's a great place to live.

Guvm'nt jobs? Eep! Yeah Scott, I noticed that SA had about 4 times as many Oracle/DBA positions listed than Austin when I scouting the market for a friend who's looking at this area. That scared me...

Jeffery Stevenson
Databeast Slayer
Medical Present Value, Inc.
Austin, TX

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 9:30 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Description for


Yes you should drive down/me drive up to meet. Just let me get past some current difficulties. We could leave bail money with the wives! Hehehe...

San Antonio (SA) has been hit, but definitely not as hard as Austin/Dallas/Houston. I'll probably regret this (if I end up competing for a job), but anyone looking for a job could do a lot worse than looking in SA. Most of the tech jobs here are government, gov/private consulting, or big company IT (USAA, MCI, SBC, etc). The largest industry however is tourism, which has been hammered. This doesn't affect techies much though.

If one has no qualms about managing databases of bigger and better ways to "break things and kill people", then DOD contracting is the way to go in Central Texas. Cost of living is very low, and SA is the 8th largest city in the US. Upsides: steady work, excellent food, mild winters, lots of recreational activities. Downsides: Inept city government, yearly drought, HOT for 9 months of the year.

--Scott Shafer
  San Antonio, TX

> Thanks folks for the replies I got. Compiled them into a sort of
> superDeveloper/Data Architect/All-Around wonderful human being job
> description.
> The job market in Austin is really poor for us "high-tech" types right
> This was the home or a principal branch office of a large number of failed
> dot coms and Internet business ventures. A partial list of Austin
> includes (but is by no means limited to):
> Netpliance
> Hand Technologies
> ConnectSouth (my alma mater)
> DrKoop.Com
> Garden.Com
> Furniture.Com
> carOrder.Com
> Layoffs in many (most?) surviving companies have further added to the glut
> of talent out on the streets. Other large Austin employers reducing staff
> in the tech area include AMD, Motorola, SamSung, IBM, Perficient and CSC.
> Non-tech companies such as law firms, travel agencies (they're pretty much
> toast right now anyway), and advertising agencies have been really hurt by
> the abrupt cessation of money which used to flow from the startups.
> It's still a great place to live, but a month or two ago, even the Austin
> American-Statesman noted that the area was experiencing a "brain-drain" as
> the job-seeker/jobs ratio climbed ever higher. Last week, they posited
> major reason for the area not experiencing a total employment tragedy was
> the abundance of State and Local jobs, which, until about 9 months ago,
> went begging as private industry vacuumed anybody who could spell "PC" off
> the street (if you could spell DBA you had it made).
> The Sunday help-wanted ads have gone from 4 full pages of "Computer Jobs"
> to less than two columns, and there are very few senior positions
> available. We even used to have out-of-town companies advertise, but that
> trend has dried up as well.
> It anin't pretty folks.
> Maybe Scott (I still think I ought to drive down just to meet the guy) in
> San Antonio can give us a more regional perspective. At the height of the
> frenzy, I know a bunch of people who left positions in SA to come to
> Austin.
> David A. Barbour
> Oracle DBA, OCP
> 512-414-1002
> "Troiano, Paul
> (CAP, GEFA)" To: Multiple recipients
of list ORACLE-L <>
> <Paul.Troiano_at_geca cc:
>> Subject: RE: Help!: Job
Description for Data Architect
> Sent by:
> 11/12/2001 05:40
> PM
> Please respond to
> How is the job market in Austin?
> -----Original Message-----
> []
> Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 4:00 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> Hey, the job market isn't any better (worse?) here in Austin-by-God, TX
> than anywhere else. We've got a chance to hire a real talented developer
> (worked with him before - taught me a lot), but his salary is just a bit
> more than the school district is used to paying for "programmers." I
> suggested they come up with a new job description to justify the salary
> (it's not that great folks - this guy just wants to stay in Austin).
> "Wonderful idea" says the boss, "what should we call the position to
> confuse the HR folks?" "Data Architect" I reply. "Great" says he, "write
> it up and have it on my desk by 5:30."
> Anybody got one I can shamelessly plagiarize?
> David A. Barbour
> Oracle DBA, OCP
> 512-414-1002
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Author: Scott Shafer

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Author: Jeffery Stevenson

Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
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Received on Tue Nov 13 2001 - 07:57:57 CST

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