the whole point of compatable is to mimick behaviour
of an older release .. like optimizer plans etc.
upgrading the db would be the way to go for this..
like many have already pointed out
- Ed <mrclark_at_xnet.com> wrote:
> A DBA here is trying to upgrade several 8.0.5
> databases to 8.1.6
> by using export/import. This will probably work,
> but wouldn't it be
> easier to just do a cold backup and open them using
> the
> COMPATIBLE parameter in the 8.1.6 environment? Is
> there
> any downside to using export/import? (ie. will it
> affect snapshots,
> db links, etc...).
> I thought the whole point of the compatible
> parameter was that
> it let you open up an older database with no
> questions asked.
> Then you could run any of the upgrade .sql scripts
> at your leisure,
> yes?
> Best,
> Ed
> --
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Received on Wed Nov 21 2001 - 14:12:25 CST