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RE: ora 24314 service handle not initialized

From: Hallas John <>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 07:25:14 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Well that is one way of migrating a database that I had never considered :). If you have already created a 8.1.7 instance with empty datafiles etc I think the easiest way is to export the full database from 8.1.6 and import it into the 8.1.7 instance.

Otherwise start it up with Oracle_Home set to 8.1.7 and run the upgrade scripts. Check the documentation out but they will be something like U000816.sql etc. Really you need to follow the documentation and take 1 approach to upgrading rather than a mix & match approach


-----Original Message-----
From: Beatriz Martínez Jiménez [] Sent: 16 November 2001 13:20
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: ora 24314 service handle not initialized

Hello all,
I was working with an 8.1.6 DB and I needed to migrate to 8.1.7. As I was newbie (And i keep on being that) I copied all the files related with the DB (control, dbf..). I created a new DB with the same name and path as the 81.6 one and replaced its files with the one I saved previously.
Maybe it´s a madness solution...
My problem now is that I get the 'ora 24314 service handle not initialized' error. I have read something in metalink, note 122183.1, just the point in which it sais 'If the ORACLE_HOME points to the 8.1.7 software yet the database
      was created with 8.1.6 or 8.1.5, then this error can occur' is my problem.
I don´t know how could I resolve it. Could somebody orient me? Or if you think it´s impossible to recover, please, tell me? A lot of thanks

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Received on Fri Nov 16 2001 - 09:25:14 CST

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