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RE: OEM and Veritas backup agent for Oracle

From: Orr, Steve <>
Date: Fri, 09 Nov 2001 10:38:16 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Hi Patrice,

For some time now we've been using RMAN, staging to disk, then using Netbackup to backup to tape. Works fine.

Now, after a struggle, we've got RMAN backing up to tape directly via the Veritas Netbackup MML API stuff. We have a Linux Netbackup client and a Solaris Netbackup server and we don't use OEM. For testing I duhveloped a script to blow away data and recover it for the following recovery scenarios: 1) loss of a datafile; 2) loss of multiple datafiles for a single tablespace; 3) loss of multiple datafiles for a multiple tablespaces; 4) loss of RBS tablespace/datafiles; 5) loss of the system tablespace; 6) complete DB resptore. I script automated this as a monthly exercise just to have fun.

I prefer to use scripts. I'll confess to having used OEM a couple years ago. (I used Legato at the time.) In essence OEM was just a not-so-pretty GUI wrapping over RMAN *.rcv scripts. The problem with it is that you get insulated from what's going on under the covers not to mention the persnickity nature of OEM. (I've always been interested in what goes on under the covers.) After a while I just scripted it. You can have OEM generate the *.rcv scripts and use them outside of OEM. I did this in an HPUX environment and now on Linux. I also had some NT servers to backup and *.cmd scripted it using NT's "at" command (and another 3rd party thingy). Looking back now it seems like it was faster to type up the scripts than it was to point and click thru OEM. Maybe, maybe not but it "felt" better.

If you do choose to go the OEM-only route then make sure you test several recovery scenarios before putting it into production. Can't recall the details but had had a problem with an OEM-only recovery that I ended up having to do it "manually" anyway and this is what prompted me to script it. At the time Oracle shipped with a limited use verson of Legato which worked just fine for me. Is there still a free limited use MML from Oracle? If there is then you might want to play with that before buying Veritas. Quote for damagement: "Backup solutions may be costly but it's much cheaper than losing data."

Steve Orr
Bozeman, MT

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 09, 2001 10:37 AM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Anyone using this combination to do their regular backups?

If yes, I would be interested in hearing your experiences.

Here we are doing colds and hots, doing incrementals would be nice.

It might make enough difference to justify the cost of purchasing those Veritas agents.

Sorry, I am on an OEM theme today.

Patrice Boivin
Systems Analyst (Oracle Certified DBA)

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Author: Orr, Steve
Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
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