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Home -> Community -> Mailing Lists -> Oracle-L -> RE: Need Good OUTER Join
What's wrong with the output you see?
Do you not like the results because you are seeing rows where u.user_id is != 5 ?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Woody McKay []
>I'm having trouble figuring out the proper Outer join (duplicate titles) for the following:
>I need a list of all the page_id (id's) and page_title (titles) from PAGES along with the security_id from USERS_X_PAGES where the user exists. USERS_X_PAGES may or may not have any records. Below is my current query and table layout.
> 1 select p.page_id, substr(p.page_title,1,30), p.page_parent_id, x.security_id
> 2 from pages p, users_x_pages x, users u
> 3 where p.page_id = x.page_id(+)
> 4 and x.user_id = u.user_id(+)
> 5 and u.user_id(+) = 5
> 6* order by page_title
>SQL> /
>---------- ------------------------------ -------------- -----------
> 48 Building Construction & Manage SQL 2
> 48 Building Construction & Manage SQL 1
> 48 Building Construction & Manage SQL 2
> 48 Building Construction & Manage SQL 2
> 53 Communications SQL 1
> 47 DMS SQL 2
> 47 DMS SQL 2
> 63 DMS Hot Topics SQL 2
> 58 Division of Retirement SQL 2
> 62 Governor's Area SQL SQL
> 56 HR Management SQL 2
> 49 Inspector General SQL SQL
> 51 Legislative Affairs SQL SQL
> 50 Personnel Management SQL 2
> 52 Planning & Budget SQL SQL
> 61 Secretary Bio SQL SQL
> 55 State Fleet Management SQL SQL
> 60 State Group Insurance SQL SQL
> 57 State Purchasing SQL SQL
> 59 Supplier Diversity SQL SQL
>20 rows selected.
Received on Thu Nov 15 2001 - 13:41:43 CST