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c.d.o.server: by subject
- "javadoc" for PL/SQL?
- "O/S block size" for Windows NT
- "Permission Denied" installing 8iEE on Linux RH6.1
- ' Generate Module as Help System' in designer 6.0
- 'latch free' contention...
- ******pl/sql*******
- 7 to 8 upgrade - system views
- 8.0 to 8.1 Connection
- 8.0.5 on Linux
- 8.1.5i install failure on NT
- 8i missing vom and vaw
- 8i on Intel-based Unix & that f****** licensing
- [Q] Oracle 8i and CLASSPATH
- A pl/sql compiler bug?
- Abort in Oracle
- Access97 link to Oracle synonym link to DB2
- Adding Values (not records) via SQL Loader?
- ADO recordset
- Advice on Database layout
- Advice on Dumping a Cursor to a Text file..
- Alert.log - check point not complete???
- Alert.log: Load Indicator not supported by OS !
- ALERT: Be *VERY* carefull when using DBA STUDIO 8.1.6
- An SQL query lasts 60 seconds...
- Announcement: TESTING COMPUTER SOFTWARE (TCS2000) Conference -- Featured Speakers
- Another foreign key question
- another umlaut problem..
- ANSI SQL-92 --> Is it practical??
- Any experience converting MSSQL apps to Oracle?
- Any help for a new DBA?
- app server
- app server and jsp
- Archive Log
- archive log files
- Archiving oracle data
- Are there only 32-bit OCI on Sun/Solaris?
- asp & oracle & blob & image
- Automatic SQL*Loader control file generation
- Available free memory in SUN
- AWT + JServer to produce image files etc.
- backup question
- backup strategies
- Basic Oracle8i
- best Hardware for 8i
- Best way to parse strings in PL/SQL
- Book suggestions?
- Buffer overflow error
- BUFFER_POOL_KEEP Init.ora Parameter
- BUILD YOUR OWN C`A.B,L,E B,O`X...FREE C`A.B,L.E`.... 9973
- C++ objects wrapped around the OCI
- calculating row size
- Can a stored function returns a value to ASP ADO
- Can I install Oracle 8i on SunOS 5.8?
- Can I tune 8i to login faster?
- Can you tell if client/server connection is OK? (OCI)
- can't drop tablespace
- Cannon create table with Primary Key in tablespace
- cannot create database
- Cannot Drop Table
- Cant make a first time logon on Oracle for NT.
- CBT for Oracle8 Performance Tuning
- chage internal password
- Changing global name
- changing pctfree and pctused
- Checkpoints extreeeemely slow?
- Checksum error in redo log block
- Cleaning the Directory
- cleaning up archive log files
- cleaning up rollback segments
- Cloning a database
- Column priority in table definition?
- comments_from_the_field
- COMPLETELY Uninstall Oracle 8.0.4
- Compressing Datafiles
- Conditions to check the database
- Conecting vb to oracle
- Configuring a new database on netware
- Configuring Oracle on Novell
- Connecting a Mac client to Oracle 8 NT server?
- Connecting to oracle forms
- connecting to Oracle using JDBC on windows NT PLATFORM
- Connecting to Oracle via C/C++
- connection problem with Oracle 8.1.5i (Linux)
- Consultants - FREE Zero Impact Sql & Service Level Monitor
- core dump problem!!!!
- Cost of TO_DATE
- CPU resource control
- Create DB script - Solaris Raw device
- CREATE TRIGGER history?????????
- Creating a new database
- Creating tables - Newbie question
- creating word document from database on the fly
- daisy-chaining connection managers
- Data Modeling Tool for Linux
- Data transfer between Oracle and Informix
- Database / Frontend Advice
- Database Administration Assistant doesn't work // *8i, NT, sp4
- Database monitoring/tuning tools?
- Database Security over the Net
- Database Tuning Question
- database version control question
- Databases and Instances
- datafile offline drop problem
- Date format
- DB model of Oracle internal tables
- DB-Migration from Oracle 7.3.4 to 8.0.5
- DB_BLOCK_SIZE Question
- dbassist - Linux 8.1.5
- dblink: functions enforce tablescan
- DBMS_?
- DBMS_ALERT - is it what it's cracked up to be?
- DBMS_OUTPUT problem
- DBMS_SQL and cursor scope
- Deadlock on INSERT...RETURNING with trigger
- Default Database Path ...
- DEFAULT HOME: Developer 6 and WebDB2.2
- definition of v$session
- Deleteing WebDB sites
- Designer/2000 Installation Problem
- Developer 2000
- developer server
- devloper 2000 v2 installation problem on win98
- Difference Between Oracle App. Server and Oracle Web Server
- Difference between Standard Edition & Enterprise Edition
- Difference between SYS and SYSTEM
- Difference on Oracle 8.1.6 and 8.1.5
- Displaying BLOB Object in Visual Basic
- Distributed Database
- Do indexes matter on db in memory
- Do Oracle ODBC drivers support asynchronous mode? If so, which ones and how?
- Does anyone have a script to display hierarchy of tables starting with a specific one
- Does anyone out there use PHP and Oracle?
- Does exist tools to convert Informix database schema to Oracle and vice virsa?
- drop datafile from system tablespace
- Dynamic SQL
- Dynamic SQL in PRO-C (type 3), problem with NULL
- Dynamic SQL Performance Question
- elseif problem
- Email
- Embarcadero Technologies products
- Encrypting data before storing in columns
- Enterprise Manager
- environmental variables linux
- Error 12514
- error during execution of trigger
- Error message retrieving data from Oracle database using subquery via Microsoft rdo
- Error message when running PL/SQL demo
- Error message when using database link
- error tns 12560
- Error: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified
- Escaping the &
- Examples of stored procedures
- Exceptions 26000 and 25030 thrown when creating a row for a Business Components for Java View Object
- Executing a Lock Timeout
- executing a procedure
- export
- Export fails with ORA-01115 and ORA-27072 Errors
- export of data oracle 8 on NT
- Export user
- Exporting data from Oracle
- Extreme Performance Degradation on 7.3.4
- Fastest way to update a single column on a large table?
- Firewall rules for Oracle Client/SQLPlus access to 8i database ?
- fix for dbstart Oracle 8.1.6 Solais
- foreign key dependencies?
- found dead multi-threaded server 'S000'
- Free Oracle DBA / Development Software!
- From_CMP_techweb
- Full table scan
- Fun With VARCHAR2
- Funky SELECT with Oracle8
- FYI Oracle 8.1.6 missing a folder
- Getting Ora8i for Linux
- Granting CREATE ALL TABLES to a user
- Graphical query/view designers?
- He says it can't be done...
- Help !
- Help : libc... error when starting oracle 8.0.5 for linux
- Help in french
- Help Me I don't know what to do
- Help needed on Oracle Traces
- Help needed with Oracle 8i NT, MTS, and ASP!
- Help on creating tablespace
- Help Requested on Pragma
- Help with Insert Into Select from and Long Column
- Help! - ORA-04094: table XX is constraining, trigger may not modify it
- HELP! A function which return a recordset
- Help! DBD::Oracle installation problem
- help! ORA-1001 from java script
- Help! Oracle 8.0.5 32 bit client on 64 bit HP-UX 11.0
- HELP!! can`t open database HURRY!!
- HELP!!! OS Authentication and (sqlplus /) on NT
- HELP-need gurus-Oracle Support conflicting answers
- Help... How to determine GMT time in Oracle?
- host_name from v$instance mystery
- Hot backup - when to clear those archived logfiles?
- Hot backup - when to clear those archived logfiles? Must reset logs?
- Hot standby backup scripts for Linux
- How do I calculate the size of indexes
- How do you aggregate values into predefined ranges?
- How many columns can one table have
- How many licenses installed?
- How Oracle8i server auto start in Solaris7?
- How to 'force' optimizer to use indexes?
- How to build an OCI application under Solaris 7?
- How to call shell script from PL/SQL ?.
- How to clean up rollback tablespace?
- How to clear SQL screen?
- How to compare Oracle server with MS SQL server
- how to connect to Management Server?
- how to differentiate multi-threaded or dedicated server?
- How to export data in Oracle to text format?
- How to find single record in ODBC?
- How to hide password on command line in AIX
- How to launch OMS (Oracle Management Server) !?
- how to monitor memory usage?
- How to put an end of line character in text string
- How to re-org tablespace
- How to remove Deadlocks on Oracle DB 7.3.3
- How to Retrieve particular rows ?.
- How to solve "ORA-00439: feature not enabled: Objects" problem?
- howto disable index build before full load?
- Howto: insert a LOB>4000 byte into 8i
- HPUX 11 - Oracle 8.1.6 Install problem
- Hurry! MicroSoft Transaction Server - Oracle
- Identifing temporary tables to SID
- IIOP Connection failed
- IIS and OAS
- Images On Oracle
- Implicit Commit
- Import/export help
- Indices
- Info about data warehousing
- Info... req...
- Iniciativa Consulting Download Whitepapers
- INSERT into partitioned table from a simple query gives wrong result
- insert many records in short time
- insert rows that span blocks
- Inserting IS Very Very Slow - Why?
- inserting java.sql.date into a oracle 8i table
- Inserting values from column into object: Newbie
- Install Oracle8 on Win95
- Installation Problem: Any Oracle ODBC driver on Windows 98
- Installation stops: cannot spawn - iConnect Consolidator Server (WinNT Server)
- Installing NT for Oracle8i
- Installing Oracle 8.0.5 gives an error - svrmgrl segmentation fault
- Intelligent Agent does not start on Linux
- Interacting with MSSQL
- Intermedia help needed
- interpreting utlestat report
- INVALID objects
- Invoke Host Commands from Pl/Sql
- IOUG Live in Anaheim CA.
- Is it possible to copy an oracle table into a pl/sql table for lookups?
- Is the client IP address available
- Is there a performance limit of extents?
- Is there a way to time export/import
- Is there any built-in timestamp per row?
- Issue SELECT against Forms Data Block
- Java JDBC to Oracle 7 and 8
- Java vs. VB6?
- JDBC ODBC on Oracle
- JDBC over OCI -- degenerative performance & stability
- JFS on HPUX?
- Job: Oracle Developer (Mississauga, Ontario)
- jre1.1.6v5
- jsp web server
- Kernel tunning parameters for Compaq True 64
- KEY and SID? What's the difference?
- Latest patches for Oracle WG Server 7.3.2 for NetWare 4.11
- LGWR or DBWR error 204
- libclntsh.a(clntsh.o) could not be loaded
- limiting result set size
- Limits of unregistered personal edition of Oracle 8
- Linux patch failed!
- Listener Hangs - Oracle 8.0.5 on HPUX 10.20
- little sql syntax question
- loading data
- lob import coping issues
- log_block_checksum parameter
- Long Fields
- Looking for a package for debuging purpose
- loops
- lsnrctl - incorrect name/address
- Man pages for Oracle commands....
- Max number of columns in one table
- Maximum limit of password.
- Memory usage of ORACLE 8i service
- Microsoft destroys TPC-C records!
- Migrate data from SQL Server to Oracle 8i
- Monitoring Oracle database tools.
- More questions on tablespaces
- Moving large amounts of data from one Oracle Server to another
- Moving Table in Tablespace
- MS ODBC connections have vanished with 8.1.6 - Help
- MTS & Oracle 8i
- MTS reduce CPU consumption
- mutating table
- mutating table error message..
- My Enterprise manager console ( help please!)
- Need a Fast Row Count
- Need help with a net 8 problem "ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed"
- Need HELP with Deadlocks
- Need Script to check if database is up or down
- new database
- New to oracle entreprise manager console.
- Newark,NJ--Oracle DBA/Tech. Manager-Urgent!!
- Newbie questions
- Newbie: Number of tables (fine grained vs. coarse)?
- NEWS: RevealNet and Sylvain Faust Expand Technology Partnership
- NLS in Oracle 8i
- nt cluster
- NT service accessing Oracle
- NT-Oracle 805 -SQLNET 8 Easy Config Problems. HELP!
- NUMBER-precision in view?
- OAS + JServlets + BLOBS
- OAS and 8i on single machine (NT4.0)
- OAS and Windows2000
- Objects and Oracle
- Obvious problems
- OCP Cert: Book and Selfttestsoftware.com
- OCP exam reading list
- OCP Exams
- Ocp Question
- ODBC problem
- OLE DB vs ODBC for Oracle
- OO purists opions sought
- Optimization
- ORA error 1115 during export
- ORA-00600 found dead multi-threaded server
- ora-00602
- ORA-00603 : Oracle Server session terminated by fatal error
- ORA-01801 date format is too long for internal buffer
- ORA-03113 error
- ORA-04068 explanation needed.
- ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
- ORA-10119: before commiting an add datafile command
- ORA-12514
- ORA-12514 TNS Client problem....
- ORA-12560 ERROR
- ORA-12560 with Oracle 8i on NT
- ORA-12571, -01041, -01092 error messages 8iPE 8.1.5
- ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure ,again
- Oracle & Linux - Painful process
- oracle & sqlserver on same box
- Oracle 8 or Oracle 8i?
- Oracle 8 which version?
- Oracle 8.0.4 and HPUX 11.0 swap
- Oracle 8.0.5 and Windows2000
- Oracle 8.1 on NT, error 12224 no listener
- Oracle 8.1.6 on Solaris 2.6 (SPARC) & EJB's
- Oracle 8.1.6 Solaris sess_sh problem
- Oracle 8.1.x for Linux
- Oracle 8i (8.1.5) for Solaris 7 version
- Oracle 8i and Linux.
- Oracle 8i EE install problem on Red Hat 6.1
- Oracle 8i EE or SE
- Oracle 8i on Intel Solaris8
- Oracle 8i on linux (RH6)
- Oracle 8i on NT; Which database instance is associated with a PID ?
- Oracle 8i on SuSE Linux system
- Oracle 8i Personal where?
- Oracle 8i Training Content Reviewer needed ASAP
- Oracle 8i trigger problems
- Oracle Agent Problem
- Oracle AQ
- Oracle Authentication Question
- Oracle Chinese
- Oracle data export
- Oracle Database goes down after a while - ORA-12571, -01041, -01092 error messages 8iPE 8.1.5
- Oracle Database Replication
- Oracle dba
- Oracle DBA book
- Oracle DBA Performance & Tuning course
- Oracle DBD Installation woes
- Oracle Enterprise Manager
- Oracle Enterprise manager and Solaris Intel
- Oracle error messages in a easily accessible format
- ORACLE error ORA-00000
- Oracle export file binary format
- Oracle hangs!
- Oracle Index and data issues
- oracle install
- Oracle is to slow, why?
- Oracle Job
- Oracle MTS and Microsoft MTS
- Oracle Newbie question(ORA-01034)
- Oracle OCP dba certification ... 7.3 vs 8
- Oracle ODBC driver : SQLExtendedFetch() is not supported ?
- Oracle on 2000
- Oracle on LINUX
- Oracle Parallel Server on Sun
- Oracle Performance
- oracle perl
- Oracle Portal-to-Go
- oracle processes exceeding 2000
- Oracle Query builder tool ?
- Oracle Salarys
- Oracle server 7.3.4 and Netware 5: server disappears...
- ORACLE TCP port usage
- Oracle Update SQL Help
- Oracle v7.3, OAS v4.071, speed issues...
- Oracle V8 : ORA 904 but column exists ???!!!
- Oracle vs. SQL Server - Fail Safe & Replication
- Oracle warranty vs. Support
- ORACLE-HOME.COM - Latest Product Review, FREE and ONLINE
- Oracle/developer installation fails
- Oracle/SQL Tutorials
- Oracle8 on Linux
- Oracle8.0.3.50 installation on AIX4.3.2 fail
- Oracle8.0.5 in win98 - Orainst Error ??
- Oracle8i on Linux: java/lang/Thread
- Oracle8i won't startup if reboot
- ORAN8.DLL Access violation
- ORCLALRT.LOG doesn't contain timestamps!
- Ordering
- orphaned records
- Overview: TESTING COMPUTER SOFTWARE Conference (TCS2000)
- Parallel Query
- Parallel Server & Standby Database
- Parameters for multiple CPU systems
- Particular Export and Import
- Passing a record to a Java Stored Procedure
- Passing arrays into stored procedures
- Patch to for Oracle Application Server ???
- Performance / Index
- Performance for sub-select or joins
- Performance question - Updage with Correlated/Non Correleated Sub Query
- Performance statistics related to listener.get_cmd
- Performance Tuning
- Personal Oracle 8
- Personnel Oracle 8i
- pictures in database
- pl question
- PL/SQL and multiple UPDATE
- PL/SQL exam question
- PL/SQL Question
- please send me the glibcpatch.tgz for redhat 6.0
- PLS-00201 while querying w/ interMedia (ConText) index
- pmon hogging CPU on 8i for Linux
- pricing question
- print statement
- Privileges required to admin Oracle on NT
- Pro*C++: Problem with Pointer to Array of Struct
- Problem connecting to host.
- Problem Creating Table
- Problem getting shell variable under NT
- problem oracle in win2k
- problem with a query
- Problem with before insert triggers when passing column values as literals
- Problem with dynamic SQL
- Problem: Oracle 8.1 on NT no listener
- Problems combining a date and a character time field
- Problems creating 8.1.6 db on Solaris 7
- Problems using Enterprise Manager 2.0.4 and Oracle 8.1.5
- Problems with Advanced Replication...
- Problems with D2KHELP package
- Problems with database links on SUN OS.
- Problems with Oracle 8i Lite setup
- Procedure - how get the output value in sql+
- product confusion
- Prohibit updating Primary Key?
- Q. on Oracle licensing fees practice for pure development environments?
- Query Help - Stumped...
- query on Long data type
- Query performance
- Query problem
- Question about BACKUP-script
- Question about DATE conversion in Stored Procedure
- Question about DBMS_UTILITY.GET_TIME
- Question about Passing Arrays to PLSQL
- Question about temporary tablespace
- Question on : root.sh
- Question on Import with show=y
- Question re indexes
- Questions on extents, etc.
- Rebuilding foreign key constraints
- RECO Process on Solaris 7 and EE 8.1.5
- recovery table
- Redhat Oracle 8i installation.
- Redo Log Sizes
- referencing objects
- Remove archivelog files on NT
- removing archive logs
- Renaming a column on import
- Replication question
- Report to mail ?
- Req help: Oracle 8.0.5 Server Edition and RedHat Linux 6.1, creating a new SID
- return a vlaue from procedure to unix shell help ..
- RMAn parameters on WindowsNT
- rman probs on sol 2.7/oracle 8.0.5 ee
- RMAN: connecting to target db problem???
- Rollback and Large Transactions
- root logging as internal
- rows missing from webserver application.
- Running OEM on a SUN?
- SAN devices
- Scheduling Exports and OS commands
- Schemas...
- screwy privileges on O7.3.4 -help!
- Scripted 8.1.5 DB creation on WinNT 4.0
- Scripting on NT
- Search Query / Performance Problem
- see lonyx.com (was Mutating table error message)
- seeking advise on DB tables, split or not split
- Selecting records using aggregate functions
- Set Priority for a session
- Setting up monitoring and trending for Oracle
- Setup and create user?
- SGA problems on solaris
- SGA Sizing on Sun
- SID's on netware
- simple query not using index
- sizing the database
- Slow inserts
- Solved: import shuts down database
- Some questions Oracle (SQL)
- Spec'ing an Oracle 8 DB Server
- Speed up OLE automation
- Speedup the dml ??
- speedup the query ~~
- SQL *Plus advice
- Sql Help
- SQL help needed
- sql loader
- SQL Plus Help Please
- SQL Server to Oracle conversion
- SQL Statement Execution: HEELP!
- SQL*Loader
- SQL*Loader Error
- SQL*net for windows NT and ODBC
- SQL*PLUS and ORA-00604,ORA-02248 errors.
- sqlnet trace in ProC app
- SQLNet2: Dedicated listeners (separate configuration files)
- Sqlplus Problem
- Standby database
- Starting Instance on server reboot
- STATS$.. tables
- Storage Question
- stored procedure does not exist- Urgent
- string case insensitive comparisons with Oracle
- Stupid Compiler Errors regarding final variables
- Sv: Error message when using database link
- SVRMGR Errors
- svrmgrl password reset
- System Commands on External proc and DLL.
- System Sizing question
- System Tables in User Tablespace???
- SYSTEM tablespace 300M?
- Table DUAL
- table or view does not exist
- Table Sizing
- Table sizing exercise
- tables diff by schema
- tablespace
- Tablespace names
- Tablespaces structure question!
- tcl/tk for Oracle
- technet.oracle.com
- Temp Segments
- Temporal database
- Temporary Segments
- test
- Thanks for the advices!
- There's one problem...
- Tier one platforms
- timezone ?
- TNS: no listener (intermittently)
- TNSPING ??????
- To Denormalise or not to Denormalise
- Tool for Access 2000 to Oracle
- Top 200 Terrific PL/SQL Tuning Tips
- top50keywords - january, february, march
- transition from Sysadmin to data modeler or DBA?
- transportable tablespace with lob
- Trigger Dilemma
- Trigger Problem ORA-04091
- Trigger Woes
- Tunning
- Unicode general questions
- Unicode support in Oracle 8.0.5
- Uninstalling Oracle 8.04 Enterprise Ed NT
- Unique Check for Forms 6 Data Block
- unvisible tables
- Update Trigger - Mutating Table Problem
- UPDATE: ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
- upgrade 8.1.5 to 8.1.6
- Urgend! - Please help!!! - Oracle 7 Client over NET80
- Urgent Oracle job, must fill
- Urgent!! Date format change
- URGENT!!! How can I drop a column???
- Urhent help needed: import shuts down database
- User-defined datatype
- user= nobody in listener.log file
- user_dump_dest is ignored and .trc files are almost empty
- using Apache as listener
- Views and Performance considerations
- Web question
- WebDB installtion problems
- WebDB Solaris Install Bug?
- WEBDB wants SYS password and TNS alias
- What init. parameters cannot be changed.
- What is real datafile size?
- What is the hardware requirement for Oracle 8i
- what is this segment_name 2.85077 ?
- What's wrong with tnsnames.ora?
- When was that index last rebuilt ?
- where can I find jre1.1.6v5?
- where is jdeveloper
- Where is Services Summary in lsnrctl?
- where to download OEM 2.1 ??
- Which ETL tool to choose
- which storage solutions (xiotech,sun,emc) w/oracle?
- Why export has conventional path?
- Why so much slowness in OLEDB Provider vs. ODBC?
- will oracle 8.0.5 work on Windows 2000
- Windows 2000 win2000 with Oracle 8 (Windows 2000, win2000, Win2k, W2K, Oracle 8, Oracle 8.0.5)
- Windows NT Oracle - default login & password
- You can win !!!
- Last message date: Sun Apr 30 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT
- Archived on: Sun Jan 09 2005 - 06:57:45 CST