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I am trying to run a procedure that re creates primary keys. I'm getting the following error in SQL*Plus:- ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20000: ORU-10027: buffer overflow, limit of 2000 bytes ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 106 ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT", line 65 ORA-06512: at "SYS.P_PRIMARYKEY", line 38 ORA-06512: at line 1
The procedure is:-
set serveroutput on
spool c:\buildp_k.sql
create or replace procedure p_primarykey as
v_previous_name dba_ind_columns.index_name%TYPE := ''; column_list VARCHAR2(512) := ' '; v_first integer := 1; cursor c_pkey is select c.owner, c.table_name, i.index_name, column_name, initial_extent, tablespace_name from dba_constraints c, dba_ind_columns i, dba_indexes x where c.constraint_name = i.index_name and i.index_name = x.index_name and c.constraint_type ='P' and c.owner = 'DISCOVER' order by c.owner, c.table_name; v_save_pkey c_pkey%ROWTYPE;
column_list := ' ';
for v_pkey in c_pkey loop if v_first = 1 then v_save_pkey := v_pkey; v_previous_name := v_pkey.index_name; v_first := 0; end if; if (v_pkey.index_name <> v_previous_name) then dbms_output.put_line('alter
dbms_output.put_line(' primary key '||column_list||')'); dbms_output.put_line(' using index storage
('tablespace '||v_save_pkey.tablespace_name||';');
dbms_output.put_line('#'); column_list := ' '; end if; if column_list = ' ' then column_list := '('||v_pkey.column_name; else column_list := column_list||','||v_pkey.column_name; end if; v_save_pkey := v_pkey; v_previous_name := v_pkey.index_name; end loop; if column_list <> ' ' then dbms_output.put_line('alter
dbms_output.put_line(' primary key '||column_list||')'); dbms_output.put_line(' using index storage
('tablespace '||v_save_pkey.tablespace_name||';');
end if;
using index storage (initial '||initial_extent/1024||'k next '||initial_extent/1024||'k pctincrease 0) tablespace '||tablespace_name||';'
from user_constraints c, user_ind_columns i, user_indexes x
where c.constraint_name = i.index_name
and i.index_name = x.index_name
and c.constraint_type ='P';
end p_primarykey;
spool off
set serveroutput off
If you can help please e-mail me at Many Thanks.
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Received on Fri Apr 14 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT