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Re: Obvious problems

From: Jerry Gitomer <>
Date: 2000/04/22
Message-ID: <20000422.5344800@noname.nodomain.nowhere>#1/1

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 4/21/00, 5:25:06 PM, Aaron <> wrote regarding Obvious problems:

> I am fairly new to Oracle and need to impress my current employer by
> analyzing an Oracle database that was installed by a non-Oracle DBA
> (one of our managers did it, actually). What obvious and potentially
> big problems should I look for in this small 250 MB database? Here
> some problems which I am already know to look for:

> * User tables should not be created in the SYSTEM tablespace
> * The pct increase attribute for tablespaces and tables should
> not be the default of 50. A value of 1 to allow for automatic
> coalescing of free extents is what I would recommend.

        You are better off with uniform sizing. This means every extent of every table in a tablespace is the same size. To accomplish this don't include a storage clause in your table definitions and use PCTINCREASE 0. This will minimize the maintenance requirements

> * Tables should be stored over a minimum number of extents.

        Given that the minimum is one, this is no longer true. My personal preference is to keep it low, but when I reorganized tables with 50 or more extents so that they had less than five extents I saw no improvement in performance.

> * The sys, system, and internal passwords. (Question: Should these
> <all> be changed from their defaults?)

        Change them. All it takes is one user who just finished reading Oracle Data Base Administration in 24 hours (My apologies to SAM's) to log on as System/Manager and accidentally drop a table ...

> * Multiplexing of the control file and online redo logs.

> If there is anything else you can think of, or if I have stated
> anything incorrectly, please let me know. Oh yeah, I forgot to
> that this database is running on Windows NT if that makes any
> difference.

        If the default number of datafiles for NT is still 29 you might want to recreate the database using a custom database creation script (the GUI installer doesn't give you the option of changing the value)

        I also suggest that you pick up a copy of Oracle 101 by Carson, Theriault, and ??
(I probably have the title screwed up as well).

> Thanks!

> Sent via
> Before you buy.
Received on Sat Apr 22 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT

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