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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> PLS-00201 while querying w/ interMedia (ConText) index
I run these statements:
connect system/password
grant ctxapp to scott;
connect scott/tiger;
create table test ( num number(3), text long );
alter table test add constraint test_pk primary key ( num);
insert into test values ( '1','AA'); insert into test values ( '2','BB'); insert into test values ( '3','ABC'); insert into test values ( '4','CCC');
ctx_ddl.set_attribute('CTX_SCOTT','I_TABLE_CLAUSE','tablespace indx storage (initial 10k next 10k pctincrease 0)'); ctx_ddl.set_attribute('CTX_SCOTT','K_TABLE_CLAUSE','tablespace indx storage (initial 10k next 10k pctincrease 0)'); ctx_ddl.set_attribute('CTX_SCOTT','R_TABLE_CLAUSE','tablespace indx storage (initial 10k next 10k pctincrease 0)'); ctx_ddl.set_attribute('CTX_SCOTT','N_TABLE_CLAUSE','tablespace indx storage (initial 10k next 10k pctincrease 0)'); ctx_ddl.set_attribute('CTX_SCOTT','I_INDEX_CLAUSE','tablespace indx storage (initial 10k next 10k pctincrease 0)');end;
All of these statements run w/ no errors, but when want to run a query using the domain index I just created, I get:
select num from test where contains(text,'A')>0;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00201: identifier 'CTXSYS.DR_REWRITE' must be declared ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
Any thoughts? Thanks.