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rman probs on sol 2.7/oracle 8.0.5 ee
rman probs on sol 2.7/oracle 8.0.5 ee
- two sparc both running oracle 8.0.5 under
solaris 2.7
- one running solstice backup and has tape
attached. also used as recovery for main database
which is on remote box
- remote box holds main database and recovery
catalog for box doing backup :)
backups being doing ok until some time when:
RMAN-03022: compiling command: allocate
RMAN-03023: executing command: allocate
RMAN-00569: ================error message stack
RMAN-00601: fatal error in recovery manager
RMAN-03004: fatal error during execution of
RMAN-07001: could not open channel c1
RMAN-10008: could not create channel context
RMAN-10024: error setting up for rpc polling
RMAN-10006: error running sql statement: select
distinct my.sid, sex.serial
from v$mystat my, x$ksusex sex where sex.sid =
RMAN-10002: ORACLE error: ORA-01455: converting
column overflows integer
thats happens prolly of big x$ksusex.serial for sure
cause after restarting instance on remote box
everything works ok again.
Is it a known bug or I am doing something lame ?
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Received on Sat Apr 01 2000 - 00:00:00 CST
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