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I would not mess with the NLS_DATE_FORMAT setting. I would use to_char () instead.
For finding out what has which type I can offer you a small package for free. Its usage looks like
SQL> select findtype.try (lpad ('xyz', 3)) from dual;
VARCHAR2 SQL> select findtype.try ('x') from dual;
VARCHAR2 SQL> select findtype.try (55) from dual;
NUMBER You should extend it to all types that can occur in your environment (raw, etc.). The package is simple:
create or replace package findtype is
function try (x in varchar2) return varchar2; function try (x in number) return varchar2; function try (x in date) return varchar2;
end findtype;
create or replace package body findtype is
d_a32767 varchar2 (32767);
subtype t_a32767 is d_a32767%type;
function try (x in varchar2) return varchar2 is
y t_a32767:= x || null;
return 'VARCHAR2';
when value_error then return null;
function try (x in number) return varchar2 is
y number:= x + 0;
return 'NUMBER';
when value_error then return null;
function try (x in date) return varchar2 is
y number:= sysdate - x;
return 'DATE';
when value_error then return null;
end findtype;
John Thomas wrote:
> I have a stored procedure which is using dynamic SQL to retrieve data from
> any table and output it in character format. Right now, DATE types are
> implicitly converted to VARCHAR2 using the NLS_DATE_FORMAT format. I need
> to format the dates differently. So, can I:
> a) Change the NLS_DATE_FORMAT setting within the scope of my stored
> procedure
> or
> b) detect that a column is of DATE type?
> This is PL/SQL stored procedure on Oracle 8, btw.
> Thanks,
> John
> --
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Received on Fri Apr 14 2000 - 00:00:00 CDT