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c.d.o.server: by subject
- "Group By" with "Order By Decode" in PLSQL causes "ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression"
- "un-grouping" results
- 'Transactional' Snapshots, and the LAX parameter of dbms_refresh
- *NEWBIE* Help needed for decoding that ...
- .NET and SQL developers required
- 10g and RHEL4.....
- 10g installation on Suse SLES 9 - failed
- 10g iSQLPlus Timeout
- 10g, RH4 and AMD64
- 8 mins of unknown activitiy each full hour
- 8.1.7 and Redhat Enterprise 3
- ??? Negative V$ROLLSTAT.XACTS
- ??? What is the substitution for the function FIRST in ORACLE????
- [?] SYSDBA audit
- [FAQ] Oracle Database FAQ
- [Q] how good Veritas Netbackup ORACLE agent is?
- _serial_direct_read effect
- A question about update and insert/delete
- A quick question on File size in Unix
- A REAL money maker. IT WORKS!!!!
- about cluster file system and device file
- ACCEPT in SQL*Plus script
- Accessing table list in GUI envorinment suddenly slow
- Activate SQL logging
- Adding datafiles to standby database with Data Guard
- An Autonumber field in Oracle
- analytic functions vs subquery
- analyze index
- Any was to format the Month to Display as 'Feb'?
- APOLOGY for spam (ANOUNCEMENT: zsplit, unzsplit: free linux tools....)
- append a cursor (URGENT)
- AQ and JMS Question
- archive gap resolution in 9.2
- archive logs to NFS storage
- ASM + shared storage
- Asp working with Oracle Stored Procedures : OraOLEDB (0x80040E51)
- Assessment question on indexes
- Auditing / tracing Oracle environment...
- Auditing when a view goes invalid?
- backup
- Backup Tool Alternative to RMAN and BMC's SQL Backtrack
- Backups with awk (Oracle7-style)
- Beginner help needed in database design
- BLOB Question
- bmc patrol express
- Books for White Box Linux - To learn Oracle 9i & Linux
- Books with Oracle 9i Trial
- Boy Scouts and Morse Code on parade
- Bug in Oracle Lite Transport Demo for WinCE.NET
- C - Oracle Connection Getting Lost !!
- call java class in pl*sql
- calling 'C' external procedures from Oracle from HPUX
- Calling stored procedures in c++ via odbc
- Can someone simplify this query
- Can this query be optimized?
- Can we do column level replication using Oracle streams?
- Can you help me with JDBC getDate() error?
- Can't login to OEM
- Case statement in Group by ?
- CBO: statistics collection
- Changing DBCA template
- Clarification needed about CLOB
- cluster oracle 9i Help
- Clustering Basics with RAC?
- Column names in the OLD and NEW virtual tables
- Configure Oracle Lite Mobile Server for synchronizing between WinCE PDAs and Oracle Entreprise ?
- Connect / as sysdba = insufficient privileges
- Consistent reads against a heavily updated table (snapshot)
- constraint disable (no)validate
- controlfile backup
- Copy Row inside a Trigger
- Copying LONG RAW into BLOB fileds
- Corporate Wide Public Synonyms
- Corporate Wide Public Synonyms ++ multiple schemas
- Corrupted empty blocks
- CREATE INDEX.. COMPUTE STATT.. changes table stats
- create view cross tables
- Creating a instance for another user...
- cursor result return
- Data Guard question
- Database link question
- Database Monitoring
- Databse Link between 10g and 8i
- DB2 Crushes Oracle RAC on TPC-C benchmark
- Db2, Oracle, SQL Server
- DBA user in Oracle conflicts during migration
- DBMS_JOB schedule
- DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL(<paramName>=>'<value>'...) returns ORA-00907
- dbms_stats
- dbms_stats vs analyze
- DDL/DML and rollback
- Deadlock in stored procedure
- deletes and indexes
- DELETEs causing dumping of current redo log
- Deleting & inserting problem
- design for query performances on large tables
- Desktop Conference 2005 - You're Virtually There! February 15-17
- Details of different master records are equal - how to determine
- Difference between thin & thin XA drivers?
- different DB state via same SQL cmd
- Differential synchronization with mobile devices
- difficult RMAN archivelog requirements
- dirty blocks not flushed to disks?
- disable a sequences
- disable triggers for my (or any) session only
- Discoverer OSAGENT and Redhat 3.0
- display speed of queries?
- Distinct column content
- Do we have practice database available?
- Dumb Question, how to insert ' into varchar2 field
- DWBR and dirty buffers
- Dynamic SQL-Command in PL/SQL
- Effect of truncate table on standby database
- Enter value for trust:
- Error 3221226324 Problem with threads in oci.dll?
- Error compiling obfuscated code in Oracle 10g
- Errors while using driving_site hints
- Event 'db file seq. read' stuck for hours on the same file#/block# ?
- exp/imp on different OS.
- Explanation on consistent gets
- export / import problem
- exporting
- Exporting Triggers
- Extent Management in SYSTEM tablespace
- Filter Data on Before Delete Trigger...
- Find a better plan than that computed by the optimizer ??
- Finding Duplicates
- Finding rows by exact matches (outside joins in from statement)
- FK versus PK
- Free Oracle Schema Documentation Tool
- Frequent log switches during sqlldr batch jobs
- Full Table Scans
- Functions returning tables
- Getting started with XML..
- Gig Fiber vs Infiniband 10g RAC
- Giving up...
- good script to find failing archiving of redo logs
- Good sources for Oracle tunig
- Google NNTP spam filtering and OMLET
- Got It ... !!!!
- GROUP BY DAY.... problem.
- Help ! - How to resync sequence numbers to a table (Oracle)
- help import DB
- Help Please!!! - SQLBindParameter
- Help using hierarchical query CONNECT BY clause
- Help! ORA-01036 / Oracle 9ir2 / Oracle HTTP server / mod_plsql
- High number of Oracle thread on Windows
- How can get OCP 9i Study Material
- How can I insert and avoid failing on account of duplicate rows?
- how can I save a CLOB in a BLOB
- How copy database unless export/import
- How create stored procedure (or package).....
- how good Veritas Netbackup ORACLE agent is?
- how to access database control of many oracle10g database instances on same server
- How to add a deleted datafile again
- How To Change Log Switch Sequence?
- How to create ASM instance outside of DBCA
- How to format time invervals?
- how to have microsoft access data into ORACLE
- how to impelement distributed database in oracle
- How to manually insert a binary file in a blob field
- HOW TO MIGRATE 100 DBs from 8.1.7 to 9.2.05
- How to monitor shared_pool?
- how to place a table in memory
- How to recover a partial database with duplicate option ?
- How to see SQL server from Oracle
- How to upload a file using web and pl/sql?
- How to use OEM to monitor linux boxes without Oracle database
- HP-UX PA-RISC (64 bit)
- http server causes multiple instances of java.exe
- I need a little information about Oracle Lite...
- Identify sessions currently traced
- imp from 8.1.7 to 8.1.6
- Import/Export issue on huge database
- IN operator and bind variables
- index fast full scan - why so slow and expensive
- Influence Optimzer to merge 'IN' subquery
- inner or outer tabe is hashed?
- insert into local table user select from remote db
- insert xmltype performance
- Inserting blobs (word docs) into Oracle Reports
- install 10g on Sol.10x86?
- Installing Oracle client over existing database
- instance_name vs. db_name
- Intelligent Agent Error,...
- Intenational character sets
- Invalid cursor state
- invalid objects and partitioning
- Is anyone else using 9i RAC on HP-UX ???
- Is it possible to force ORACLE to insert a record in a particular memory area?
- iSqlPlus / Oracle 10g / Win2K
- Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception
- Jdbc PreparedStatement doesn't support parsing
- JDBC with Timestamp with local time zone column
- Job starting problem
- LARGE tables and MVIEWs.....
- Large Update .. Please Advice
- latch-free SCN scheme (
- Latest Date..
- Listener NO services
- load from EBCDIC file to Oracle 9i tables using UTL_FILE
- Loading data into tables
- locator vs sdo question
- Logminer behavior
- Long Delay before rolling back
- LTRIM or TRIM Function
- masking column values
- migrating ora 8.1.6 to 10g
- Migration Workbench Create_view.sql empty
- missing some sys.tables
- Monitor inserts on a remote table?
- Monitoring Forms over Lan, Wan etc.
- More Oracle Spatial Questions
- moving from Sun to Windows
- Moving Instance from One Server to Another (ERROR: ORA-01031)
- Multi snapshots
- MySql
- Need Help For Search Engine...
- Need help with oracle 9i
- need trigger suggestions (works but is SLOW)
- Netapps vs EMC -- db file scattered read
- New Information
- new to Oracle's miracle.
- New user / DBA
- new user or new database
- Newbie
- newbie - how much ram for a test machine ?
- newbie blues
- Newbie odbc/oracle-procedure-questions
- NLS which *.sql ?
- Non supported character set: oracle-character-set-178 even with nls_charset12.jar on classpath
- Not Getting The Error..
- Not in Italy (was: Book with Oracle 9i Trial)
- number of blocks reads in FTS
- obfuscate an integer and store in a number column
- Object type change on the fly
- obtain primary keys
- OCI scrollable cursor - client side or server side ?
- OCP - Oracle Concepts Manual
- ODBC setup
- odbc-gurus
- OEM, Or10
- OMLET 5 for Oracle 10g: Oracle Monitoring the OMLicious way! www.omlet.org
- OMLET5: The new Oracle Tuning Kid on the block! Get your instance open wide
- OMLET: Get Intimate with Oracle Internals
- OMLET: Get Intimate with SPAM
- OMLET: Oracle Tuning/Monitoring the OMLicious way!
- oms
- One table or many - need valid reasons.
- optmizer mode
- ORA-00060 "deadlock detected" not written to log files
- ORA-00279, ORA-00278 and Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
- ORA-01000 max cursors exceeded
- ORA-01044 after migration Oracle-DB 8i to 9i / return large OLE DB RecordSets to VB6
- ORA-01460 Oracle9i
- ORA-03113 when using DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL...
- ORA-0311: end-of-file on communication channel
- ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
- ORA-12541 when connecting to Oracle10 on a (vmware host) fc2 linux
- ORA-12546: TNS:permission denied / telnet: socket: Permission denied
- ORA-12699 only in the server?
- ORA-27120 error
- ORA-4031 - running out of memory
- Ora8 equivalent of ALL_PROCEDURES
- Oracle 10 + SNMP
- Oracle 10g crash when calling getBlob
- Oracle 10g Install - Cannot start Enterprise Manager
- Oracle 10g Installation
- Oracle 12500 and 12506 errors when connecting
- Oracle connection pooling.
- Oracle 9i on Linux using MS Active Directory?
- oracle 9i RAC setup problem in window 2k server
- Oracle 9i:Downtime mandatory for 'Cluster offline' patches. What about with Oracle 10g?
- Oracle and UNIX integration...
- Oracle backup/recovery
- oracle db performance issue
- Oracle Disk Architecture...
- Oracle Enterprise Manager for Oracle 9i
- Oracle Enterprise manager: http://n2k.bot.com:5501/em/
- oracle installation using packages
- Oracle Lite : Pb while launching MSQL.EXE
- Oracle Lite Client on Windows XP Embedded ?
- Oracle Migration Workbench --> HELP
- Oracle Object Types and Java (migrating from mod_plsql)
- Oracle on Windows and Linuux
- Oracle Patch
- Oracle Performance Tuning
- oracle RAC Setup
- oracle replaces ISO-8859-1 characters with question marks
- Oracle Reprorts
- ORACLE simulation Software...
- Oracle Spatial Question
- Oracle Transparent Gateways versus Generic Connectivity
- Oracle VMWARE aware?
- oracle xml / advice required
- ORACLE.EXE still in memory after desinstall + reboot (10G)
- Oracle9i binary compatability between AIX & Solaris
- OracleAS 10.1.3 problem on accessing MBean from remote Java client
- os backup
- OT/troll: apples and oranges - HP + SAP vs. competition
- OT: problem with PDF's at tahiti
- OUI not starting tools
- Parameters of a stored procedure
- Partial duplicate database with RMAN
- Partition exchange ORA-02266
- Password Verification Function Help
- patch# for security alert #68
- Performance Manager - SIGILL received at 0 in . Processing terminated
- Physical reads on Tables cached in KEEP_POOL
- please help me with ORA-07445: and ORA-00600 errors
- PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "" when expecting one of the following
- Possible Performance Improvement to Select Statement
- Possible use of a Cursor
- Preferable option for moving data from Oracle 9i into Oracle 10g??
- Probl. criteres extraction
- Problem authenticating OS user as DBA even after granting DBA role
- Problem in Database Migration for Views
- Problem while installing Oracle Mobile Server
- Problem with "Host Command" in Form4.5 with XP
- Problem with Computed Column
- problem with PDF's at tahiti
- Problem with Query Speed on different instances - different execution plan
- Problems with OEM
- Query not returning same results when displaying one column less
- Question on "Non-Mergeable View"
- Question re basic replication
- Question: Installing 10g over TTY display on Sparc server
- Question: SCN too large for archive-log restore
- Questions on PLAN_TABLE
- R*volume*raduis2 c3po "Theroy of everything"
- RAC vs. J2EE
- RAC with OCFS on Win2K - archive logs destination
- Raid Stripe Size.....
- RDBMS Challenges (was: Representation for Heterogeneous Attribute Set)
- Read the manual? What you talkin' bout Willis?
- Read-only tablespaces and the undo log
- Recommended Stretagy for Bi-Directional SQL DB Synchronization
- redhat linux ia64 rman backup : is it possible?
- Reduce the number of Subpartitions
- Remote Oracle Conncetion Issue on Suse 9
- Renaming SCHEMA
- replicating snapshots (multitiered materialized views)..
- Replication : Oracle Lite <=> Oracle DB
- Representation for Heterogeneous Attribute Set
- Resolved ORA-27302 error, but how to fix?
- resource_limit affecting statistics
- Restore with new name
- Retrieving resultsets from oracle stored procedures via odbc
- Retrieving resultsets of stored procedure via odbc
- Revoke Create and Alter Table
- RMAN backup to another device?
- RMAN Duplicate did not use last incremental backup (10g)
- RMAN: unable to register a database
- Roles
- rollback space
- rollback vs. undo segment
- Rotating the listener log file.
- Same select for union all queries
- Save $200 off Standard Registration at ODTUG Now! 2005
- Scalability of Replication?
- SCN tied to the time stamp while doing recovery
- Searching for the Holy Grail... Glogin.sql
- session_privs
- Setting the jdbc classpath variable for 10g on Java 1.4.2 ( Windows XP Pro )
- setting up oracle client on linux error ORA-12533
- shared pool structure
- shutdown mmediate gets hung
- Simple query that consumes all temporary space.
- Simply question about TO_NUMBER function
- Software Engineering/Database Administrator
- SOme doubts
- spam and OMLET
- spfile change history
- Splitting MS Access Database
- sppurge (Statspack Purge) does not seem to free up space
- SQL plan different in dedicated vs. shared connection
- sql query problem related to rownum. please help
- SQL request for beginner
- SQL*Plus code in ksh script, in-line vs. separate file
- SQL*Plus Copy Command Problem - Query length limitation
- SQL*Plus question
- SQLBindParameter(dynamic) & SQLDescribeParams
- SQLDescribeParam - Interpretation of parameter-values (docu?)
- sqlldr exit codes
- Standard vs Enterprise
- Standby database problem - ARC0: Error closing standby archivelog file at host 'myhost.name.com' Code '210'
- Standby database, archive logs only get shipped once
- standby db
- Starting ORACLE 10g with a .bat in windows XP Pro
- Starting up an Instance, loading the init.ora ERROR
- Straightforward install, but problems!
- Strange error on SELECT from TABLE CAST
- Strange ORA_942
- Stripe and Mirror Everything (SAME) on solaris SVM ?
- Subquery Question
- Subscription
- sys.aud$
- SYSDBA audit
- system rollback segments
- tablesspace copy and rename
- Temp tables and redo log/archive mode
- temporary tablespace - managing extents
- Thumb Rule For Indexing
- TNS-12541 No Listener Error
- TNSLSNR.EXE still running after deinstalling Oracle 10g
- Tnsnames.ora /Listener.ora config probs...Urgent
- TOP N in Oracle
- Trigger insert on parent table question
- Trouble connecting to 10g via JDBC
- trying to setup updateable snapshots
- Unable to reuse idle sessions.
- Unicode conversion
- update character column
- Updating Oracle with latest patches
- Upgrade issue? Can't start/stop oracle if non dba started it
- upgrading to 11.5.10 in Windows Server Environment
- Urgent..Oracle Recover from Crashed OS
- Use of index in a VIEW
- usernames
- Usign LDAP interface for Accessing Oracle Tables
- Using views inside a View
- utl_smtp email failres notification ( urgent)
- utl_smtp.mail - Error 553
- variable binding in DDL statements problem
- variations in table and redo log
- Viewing a Table's Fragmentation
- views and security
- What Makes WEB-INF
- where is the error?
- which difference inside file tnsnames.ora
- Which OS for Oracle 10i ?
- Why does index degenerate after many deletes and inserts
- Why loadjava doesn't see .jar file ?
- Win32 client / sqlplus OR msql / Driver problem
- window solution :-)
- Would be really nice if...
- www.it-ebook.com - 41 ebooks on oracle
- www.it-espam.com - 41 ebooks on oracle
- XML document sent by HTTP -> pl/sql stored procedure
- xmlgen and pl/sql in 10g
- XQuery please help...
- Yet another chain letter rip off scam
- Last message date: Mon Feb 28 2005 - 23:54:09 CST
- Archived on: Tue Mar 01 2005 - 01:02:03 CST