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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> IN operator and bind variables
"Cris Carampa" <> wrote in message news:420cafda$0$32335$ I would like to turn this PL/SQL block:
x owa_text.vc_arr ;
y owa_text.vc_arr ;
st varchar2(4000) ;
x(1) := '11111111111' ; x(2) := '22222222222' ; x(3) := '33333333333' ;
st := ' select col from tab where pk in (:x1,:x2,:x3)' ;
execute immediate st
bulk collect into y
using x(1),x(2),x(3) ;
end ;
into something like that:
x owa_text.vc_arr ;
y owa_text.vc_arr ;
st varchar2(4000) ;
// the buildXArray builds the X array at runtime
x := buildXArray ;
// this code dinamically builds the sql statement
st := ' select col from tab where pk in (' ;
for i in x.first..x.last loop
st := st||':x'||i||',' ;
end loop ;
st := substr(st,1,(length(st)-1))||')' ;
// but... the "using" clause too must be dinamically built!
dbms_output.put_line(st) ;
execute immediate st
bulk collect into y
using ... ?
end ;
How should I put into the "using" clause? I'm using Oracle 9.0.1.
Kind regards,
-- Cris Carampa ( "Torna il re. Prosegue l'attesa per fante e cavallo." (da "Umanit? Nova" n. 14 del 21 aprile 2002)Received on Mon Feb 14 2005 - 04:28:07 CST