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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: newbie blues
Kind of you - ( and I will note that "niewbie blues"got your attention )
I'm now told that "password expired" This I can try on my own , now that you've pointed the way , but I do wonder what you make of the other issues I posted about -
"emctl start dbconsole" fails with "env var ORACLE_SID does not exist"
Under services I don't see SID DBconsle ... It's surely installed and running ...I see other oracle services and the admin assistant is there, though how to use it is unclear ....
"hpuxrac" <> wrote in message
> As honest as you are, you are asking to be ignored when you post on
> this board and begin with something titled "newbie blues". That's
> almost as bad as starting it with "urgent oracle question".
> The following might work.
> Open up a dos cmd window. Try this ...
> sqlplus /nolog
> connect / as sysdba
> alter user scott account unlock;
> exit;
> Similarly you could do "alter user system identified by whatever;".
Received on Mon Feb 07 2005 - 15:55:24 CST