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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Activate SQL logging
> Probably not, but Mark Townsend and Daniel Morgan does the exact same thing
> in the DB2 newsgroup all the time (including very recent posts). But they
> both go further than what I did, and start making derogatory comments in the
> DB2 newsgroup about how difficult it is to things in DB2 compared to Oracle
> (which are usually not true).
> So I will stop when they stop it.
Here's my complete posting history on the DB2 newsgroup. I invite anyone that is interested to review these.
By an large you will find that they all fall into 1 of 3 categorires.
Mark - by all means, feel free to do the same here, with the same degree of rigor. Received on Sun Feb 13 2005 - 12:39:55 CST