Charles J. Fisher wrote:
> I have recently rewritten my previous Korn-shell backup script with
> It is clean(er), and addresses new(er) features. I still maintain a
lot of
> Oracle 7, and I like my solution more than the BMC cruft that I've
> out. I've posted the script below.
> The script does not actually do the backup by default, but only
prints the
> the required actions to the standard output (unless you invoke it
with the
> DOIT parameter).
> It can backup every database in /etc/oratab like so:
> for x in $(awk -F: "!/^[ \t]*#/ && NF==3" /etc/oratab); do
> ORACLE_SID=$(echo $x|cut -d: -f1) ORACLE_HOME=$(echo $x|cut -d: -f2)
> awkback DOIT DEST=$(echo $x|cut -d: -f2)/backup; done
> It can do the above on a collection of remote systems like so:
> for y in $(<hosts.list); do
> for x in $(awk -F: "!/^[ \t]*#/ && NF==3" /etc/oratab); do
> ORACLE_SID=$(echo $x|cut -d: -f1) ORACLE_HOME=$(echo $x|cut -d: -f2)
> awkback DOIT DEST=$(echo $x|cut -d: -f2)/backup; done; done
> It doesn't do any handling of archived logs or removal of old
> If anyone has any suggestions for improvements, hey, I'd love to hear
from you.
> / Charles J. Fisher | Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft.
> / | That will just be a completely
unintentional /
> / | side effect. -Linus Torvalds
> #!/usr/bin/awk -f
> NOREDO = 0;
> DOIT = 0;
> SPFILE = 0;
> DEST = "/home/oracle/backup/";
> CONNECT = "connect / as sysdba";
> QUIET = "set pages 0 lin 32767 feedback off verify off heading off";
> SQLPLUS = ENVIRON["ORACLE_HOME"] "/bin/sqlplus -silent /nolog";
> # (Most) OS-Specific settings - is your
> CP = "cp";
> MV = "mv";
> COMPRESS = "bzip2 -9q";
> for(i = 1; i < ARGC; i++)
> {
> if(ARGV[i] == "HELP") Usage();
> if(ARGV[i] == "NOREDO") NOREDO = 1;
> if(ARGV[i] == "DOIT") DOIT = 1;
> if(ARGV[i] == "SPFILE") SPFILE = 1;
> if(substr(ARGV[i],1,5) == "DEST=") DEST = xeq(ARGV[i]);
> if(substr(ARGV[i],1,8) == "CONNECT=") CONNECT = xeq(ARGV[i]);
> if(substr(ARGV[i],1,6) == "QUIET=") QUIET = xeq(ARGV[i]);
> if(substr(ARGV[i],1,8) == "SQLPLUS=") SQLPLUS = xeq(ARGV[i]);
> if(substr(ARGV[i],1,8) == "INITORA=") INITORA = xeq(ARGV[i]);
> if(substr(ARGV[i],1,6) == "UDUMP=") UDUMP = xeq(ARGV[i]);
> if(substr(ARGV[i],1,8) == "CP=") CP = xeq(ARGV[i]);
> if(substr(ARGV[i],1,8) == "MV=") MV = xeq(ARGV[i]);
> if(substr(ARGV[i],1,9) == "COMPRESS=") COMPRESS = xeq(ARGV[i]);
> if(substr(ARGV[i],1,9) == "LGMNRDCT=") LGMNRDCT = xeq(ARGV[i]);
> }
> ";cp $(ls -t $(fgrep -l 'CREATE CONTROLFILE' *.trc)|head -1) " \
> DEST "\n";
> script = "";
> pfile_backup();
> if(LGMNRDCT) logminerdict(LGMNRDCT);
> bin_controlfile_backup();
> trace_controlfile_backup();
> build_df_array();
> file_by_file_backup();
> else
> whole_tablespace_backup();
> if(!NOREDO) hot_copy_redo();
> if(DOIT)
> {
> cmd = CMDINIT script "\nEOF\n";
> while(cmd | getline)
> print;
> }
> else
> print script;
> }
> function deleq(x)
> {
> return substr(x, 1 + index(x, "="));
> }
> function pfile_backup()
> {
> if(SPFILE)
> script = script "CREATE PFILE='" DEST "init" \
> else
> script = script "!" CP " " INITORA " " DEST "\n"
> }
> function logminerdict(dpath)
> {
> dname = basename(dpath)
> ddir = dirname(dpath)
> script = script "begin\'" dname "', '" \
> ddir "');\nend;\n/\n!" CP " " dpath " " DEST "\n" \
> "!" COMPRESS " " DEST dname "\n";
> }
> function bin_controlfile_backup()
> {
> script = script "alter database backup controlfile to '" DEST \
> "CONTROL.BAK';\n";
> script = script "!" COMPRESS " " DEST "CONTROL.BAK\n";
> }
> function trace_controlfile_backup()
> {
> script = script "alter database backup controlfile to trace;\n";
> script = script "!" LATEST_TRACE;
> }
> function build_df_array( cmd)
> {
> cmd = CMDINIT \
> "select '+'||file_name,tablespace_name from dba_data_files;\nEOF\n";
> while(cmd | getline)
> if(substr($0, 1, 1) == "+" ) file[substr($1, 2)] = $2;
> close(cmd);
> }
> function whole_tablespace_backup( x, y)
> {
> for(x in file) tablespace[file[x]] = 1;
> for(x in tablespace)
> {
> script = script "alter tablespace " x " begin backup;\n";
> for(y in file)
> if(file[y] == x)
> script = script "!" CP " " y " " DEST "\n";
> script = script "alter tablespace " x " end backup;\n";
> for(y in file)
> if(file[y] == x)
> script=script"!"COMPRESS" "DEST basename(y)"\n";
> }
> }
> function file_by_file_backup( x)
> {
> for(x in file)
> {
> script = script "alter tablespace " file[x] " begin backup;\n";
> script = script "!" CP " " x " " DEST "\n";
> script = script "alter tablespace " file[x] " end backup;\n";
> script = script"!"COMPRESS" "DEST basename(x)"\n";
> }
> }
> function hot_copy_redo( x, cmd, logs)
> {
> cmd = CMDINIT \
> "SELECT '+'|| RTRIM(x.member) FROM v\\\$logfile x " \
> "WHERE x.member IN ( SELECT member FROM v\\\$logfile WHERE " \
> "group# = AND rownum < 2 );\nEOF\n";
> while(cmd | getline)
> if(substr($0, 1, 1) == "+")
> logs[substr($1, 2)] = 1;
> script = script "!" CP " ";
> for(x in logs)
> script = script x " ";
> script = script DEST "\n";
> for(x in logs)
> script = script "!" MV " " DEST basename(x) " " \
> DEST "do-not-use-" basename(x) "\n" \
> "!" COMPRESS " " DEST "do-not-use-" basename(x) "\n";
> }
> function basename(x)
> {
> gsub(/.*\//, "", x);
> gsub(/.*\\/, "", x);
> return x;
> }
> function dirname(x)
> {
> gsub(/[\\\/][^\\\/]*$/, "", x);
> return x;
> }
> function p(x)
> {
> print x;
> }
> function Usage()
> {
> p("\nawkback - Oracle7-style hot backup of an online database.\n");
> p("Options:");
> p("\tNOREDO - Do not copy online redo (not Oracle-supported).");
> p("\tFILEBYFILE - Don't copy a whole tablespace at once (disk
> p("\tDOIT - Don't just print out the script, run it.");
> p("\tSPFILE - Ignore any init.ora, dump binary spfile.");
> p("\tINITORA - Path to init.ora (can include addl files).");
> p("\tDEST - Destination directory; include trailing slash.");
> p("\tCONNECT= - Oracle account logon (connect internal).");
> p("\tSQLPLUS= - Path to sqlplus, with command line args.");
> p("\tQUIET= - sqlplus directive for terse output.");
> p("\tBDUMP= - Directory to find controlfile trace.");
> p("\tLGMNRDCT= - Create dictionary in utl_file_dir, then backup.");
> p("\tCP - OS copy command.");
> p("\tMV - OS move command.");
> p("\nExample:");
> p("\tORACLE_SID=orcl ORACLE_HOME=/oracle awkback SPFILE DOIT");
> exit;
> }
This script, nicely written, is for nawk, not awk, and for those
systems that do not link awk to nawk the given script will not run.
Should anyone see errors similar to the following when running this as
awk: syntax error near line 26
awk: illegal statement near line 26
then awk is not the same as nawk on your system. Simply modify the
first line of the script to execute nawk instead of awk and you'll be
up and running.
David Fitzjarrell
Received on Wed Feb 09 2005 - 16:36:32 CST