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c.d.o.server: by subject
- "Group By" with "Order By Decode" in PLSQL causes "ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression"
- _serial_direct_read effect
- Assessment question on indexes
- Backups with awk (Oracle7-style)
- Can someone simplify this query
- Case statement in Group by ?
- cluster oracle 9i Help
- DB2 Crushes Oracle RAC on TPC-C benchmark
- Db2, Oracle, SQL Server
- DBMS_JOB schedule
- design for query performances on large tables
- different DB state via same SQL cmd
- Exporting Triggers
- Frequent log switches during sqlldr batch jobs
- Getting started with XML..
- How create stored procedure (or package).....
- How to add a deleted datafile again
- Influence Optimzer to merge 'IN' subquery
- invalid objects and partitioning
- New Information
- obfuscate an integer and store in a number column
- ODBC setup
- ORA-01000 max cursors exceeded
- ORA-01460 Oracle9i
- ORA-12541 when connecting to Oracle10 on a (vmware host) fc2 linux
- Question: Installing 10g over TTY display on Sparc server
- Remote Oracle Conncetion Issue on Suse 9
- Software Engineering/Database Administrator
- Standby database problem - ARC0: Error closing standby archivelog file at host 'myhost.name.com' Code '210'
- Strange ORA_942
- Stripe and Mirror Everything (SAME) on solaris SVM ?
- tablesspace copy and rename
- temporary tablespace - managing extents
- TNSLSNR.EXE still running after deinstalling Oracle 10g
- Upgrade issue? Can't start/stop oracle if non dba started it
- variations in table and redo log
- Last message date: Wed Feb 09 2005 - 23:37:17 CST
- Archived on: Tue Mar 01 2005 - 01:02:03 CST