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Re: Details of different master records are equal - how to determine

From: Thomas Kyte <>
Date: 13 Feb 2005 08:22:38 -0800
Message-ID: <>

In article <cunp6j$gqj$>, Shiva says...
>Suppose I've got the following tables:
>Tables 1
>Table 2
>DeptCombNo Deptcode
>1 7NAH
>1 4ZIC
>2 3ZBE
>3 4ZIC
>3 7NAH
>The field DeptCombNo of table 2 is foreign key to the primary key DeptCombNo
>of table 1, iow table 2 contains the details of table 1.
>Now the question is: how do I set up a SQL-query that can tell me that
>details of DeptCombNo 1 and 3 are equal? I do not want to resort to PL-SQL
>or any other 3rd generation programming language.
>I'm using Oracle 8.1.7.
>Thanks in advance!

ops$tkyte_at_ORA9IR2> select * from t;  

        ID STR
---------- -----

         1 7NAH
         1 4ZIC
         2 3ZBE
         3 4ZIC
         3 7NAH
         4 3ZBE

6 rows selected.

ops$tkyte_at_ORA9IR2> select *
  2 from (
  3 select id, data, count(*) over (partition by data) cnt   4 from (
  5 select id,

  6             rtrim(
  7         max( decode(r,1,str) ) || '/' ||
  8         max( decode(r,2,str) ) || '/' ||
  9         max( decode(r,3,str) ) || '/' ||
 10         max( decode(r,4,str) ) || '/' ||
 11         max( decode(r,5,str) ) || '/' ||
 12         max( decode(r,6,str) ) || '/' ||
 13         max( decode(r,7,str) ) || '/' ||
 14         max( decode(r,8,str) ) || '/' ||
 15         max( decode(r,9,str) ), '/' ) data
 16    from (select id, str, row_number() over (partition by id order by str) r
 17            from t)

 18 group by id
 19 having max( decode( r, 10, 1/0, 0 ) ) = 0
 20         )
 21             )

 22 where cnt > 1
 23 order by data, id
 24 /  

        ID DATA CNT
---------- ---------- ----------

         2 3ZBE                2
         4 3ZBE                2
         1 4ZIC/7NAH           2
         3 4ZIC/7NAH           2

4 rows selected.

(hint, run the queries from the inside out to see what they do piece by piece. basically, we'll pivot the result set. I assumed 9 or less children, add more max(decode's as needed. the max(decode( ... 1/0 ... ) ) will catch the issue you would have if you have more than 9 (or whatever you deem the "correct max") number of children...

Thomas Kyte
Oracle Public Sector
opinions are my own and may not reflect those of Oracle Corporation
Received on Sun Feb 13 2005 - 10:22:38 CST

Original text of this message