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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Oracle Object Types and Java (migrating from mod_plsql)
Is your application using (displaying) all 2000 rows at once?
I guess not as you talk about pagination. A typical pagination query looks something like:
select * from
( select a.*, rownum rnum
from (
select /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ * from '||table_name||' where '||bound_where||' order by '||order_by||'
This will get you records N to M depending on records per page
(max_page_rec) and the current page number (page_number.)
A couple of questions:
I guess I should bind (max_page_rec*page_number) and
(max_page_rec*(page_number-1)) ?
Also given the above query:
I open the cursor via a procedure call:
Which binds all values for the query and returns a cursor (vehicle_cur) - it's an "out" parameter.
procedure open_bound_cursor(
sql_statement in varchar2, bind_array in web_arr, bound_cur in out CurType)
bind_count number := bind_array.count;
if bind_count = 0 then open bound_cur for sql_statement; elsif bind_count = 1 then open bound_cur for sql_statement using bind_array(1); elsif bind_count = 2 then open bound_cur for sql_statement using bind_array(1),bind_array(2); elsif bind_count = 3 then open bound_cur for sql_statement using bind_array(1),bind_array(2),bind_array(3); elsif bind_count = 4 then open bound_cur for sql_statement using bind_array(1),bind_array(2),bind_array(3),bind_array(4); elsif bind_count = 5 then open bound_cur for sql_statement using bind_array(1),bind_array(2),bind_array(3),bind_array(4),bind_array(5);
/* ETC ETC ETC */ end if;
end open_bound_cursor;
I then process each row:
type CurType is ref cursor; vehicle_cur CurType;
fetch vehicle_cur into vehicle_rec;
exit when vehicle_cur%NOTFOUND;
--do something
end loop;
close vehicle_cur;
This represents the most intensive/used sql on our system.
Should I be doing it differently? I have read about dbms_session.set_context and whilst it maybe more elegant, is perhapse the "if" tests on opening the cursor depending on the bind count faster?
Also given that I have to build the sql_statement based on the search criteria, native sql is out of the question ie there is no way to code something like:
OPEN p_refcur FOR select * from my_table where blah;
So I am stuck with dynamic sql for opening the cursor.
Regards Received on Mon Feb 21 2005 - 16:50:29 CST
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