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Kay Kanekowski wrote:
> i think you can't format the result of numtodsinterval, it is a
According to the "Oracle Database SQL Reference 10g" manual, numtodsinterval returns an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND literal, not a varchar.
> (Lothar Armbrüster) wrote
> > I'm trying to format some datetime invervals:
> >
> > select
> > to_char(numtodsinterval(elapsed_seconds,'SECOND'),'DDD
> > from
> > v$session_longops where rownum<10;
> >
> > But I always get the default format back:
Try one of the two different techniques demonstrated in the following SELECT statement.
to_char( cast(elapsed_interval as interval day(3) to second(0)) )
as elapsed_seconds_method_1,
( lpad(extract(DAY from elapsed_interval),3,'0')||' '|| lpad(extract(HOUR from elapsed_interval),2,'0')||':'|| lpad(extract(MINUTE from elapsed_interval),2,'0')||':'|| lpad(extract(SECOND from elapsed_interval),2,'0')) as elapsed_seconds_method_2
------------------------ ------------------------ +000 00:00:26 000 00:00:26 +000 00:00:22 000 00:00:22 +000 00:01:10 000 00:01:10 +000 00:00:24 000 00:00:24 +000 00:00:23 000 00:00:23 +000 00:00:23 000 00:00:23 +000 00:00:30 000 00:00:30 +000 00:00:27 000 00:00:27 +000 00:00:07 000 00:00:07
Method 1 is more compact, but Method 2 gives you more control over the output format. Received on Wed Feb 16 2005 - 13:04:05 CST