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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Influence Optimzer to merge 'IN' subquery
The operation you want to see is subquery unnesting - which 9.2 usually does whenever possible. However, a necessary pre-condition of this appearing is a guarantee that the columns at both ends of the IN test are not null. So you either need a couple of 'is not null's or a pair of not null constraints.
If the columns are already mandatory, you could try the /*+ unnest */ hint which has to be put in the subquery.
If that fails, do manual unnesting - move the subquery into the main query as an inline view (with distinct). You may then find that you need to use other hints (such as ordered, use_nl, index()) to avoid (e.g.) a hash join with full scan on the ps_tl_payable_time table.
-- Regards Jonathan Lewis The Co-operative Oracle Users' FAQ Public Appearances - schedule updated Jan 21st 2005 "Matt" <> wrote in message on Fri Feb 11 2005 - 06:48:42 CST
> Hi everyone, (Oracle Windows 2K)
> I have a query which performs a join between a very large table (> 8
> Million rows) with a very small table.
> Oracle is retrieving the large table rows via an appropriate index and
> then going to the table to find the rows. The table fetch (by rowid)
> takes over 99% of the execution time (according tkprof). Finally it
> restricts these rows based on the rows in the small table (subselect).
> What I would like to do is use the values returned from the subselect
> to retrict the rows in the very large table before the table access.
> If this is possible I will reduce the table block viists by 90%.
> Here is the query:
> select sum(tl_quantity)
> from
> ps_tl_payable_time where emplid ='006938'
> and
> trc in
> (
> select valuegroup from ps_tl_val_list_dtl
> where list_id ='F-130HOURS'
> and list_type = 2
> )
> and dur >=
> TO_DATE('2004-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')
> and dur <=
> TO_DATE('2004-12-03','YYYY-MM-DD')
> The number of rows returned where emplid = 006938 and dur between
> 01/01/04 and 03/12/04 is approx 2000.
> But the number of rows returned where emplid = 006938 and trc =
> valuegroup (from subquery) and dur between 01/01/04 and 03/12/04 is
> approx 200.
> So how can I force Oracle to evaluate the subquery first and use the
> value as part of the index range scan of the large table.
> Any help appreciated..
> Cheers
> Matt
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