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c.d.o.server: by subject
- "/ as sysdba" Failes But "sys/password@service_name" Works ???
- "in-house developed piece of code."
- 'ocssd.bin process' in Oracle 10g?
- 10g client on Linux can't connect use Oracle Names Server, tnsnames.ora OK
- 10g enterprise manager java console? /mlml
- 10g for AIX 5L Released
- 10g Listener not listening?
- 10g merge statement
- 10g on linux
- 10G RAC/Linux Pre-Built Systems?
- 10g windows
- 12560 error
- 2 arch and db processes
- 2 triggers or 1??
- 2-node 9iRAC --> 2nd instance performance problem
- 8i & 9i cohabitation
- 8i to 9i migration, performance issues
- 9iRAC/AIX5.2 Installation Questions
- [beginner] application with large sorts
- [OT] is there a way to get the server MAC address through sql statement ?
- [RMAN] backup to disk
- A question about Randomness in Oracle?
- about dba operations logs
- Access denied on loading DLLs with PHP 4.3.4, Oracle 9i and IIS 5
- Access to oracle
- adding datafile to prod and standby issues
- Advanced queueing question
- Advanced Replication: for availability or better performance over distance?
- Advanced Security - Kerberos - ORA-12641
- agent, clusters and failover
- Alert Log Monitoring / Notification
- all tables skipped in import
- alter session set sql_trace inside a procedure
- ANSI Embedded SQL, OCI, ODBC what should I use?
- Ant with oracle...
- any difference in term of performance
- Anyone care to vet / explain this test result?
- Arabic Fonts in Reports 9i R2
- archivelog leads to crashes...?
- Are all Oracle docs as badly written as RMAN docs?
- Article about supposed "murky" future for Oracle
- Attack in Madrid
- Audit command help
- audit_trail and standby database
- auditing package alterations
- Auditing: Trigger or Audit_Trail?
- Automate Load of Multiple csv files
- Backup trends: HOT or COLD
- Backup_Io_slaves parameter
- Bad Documentation Strikes Again
- Benefits of Keep Pool
- Best Configuration for OCA
- BIGINT support?
- bitwise NOT operation in oracle
- Block media recovery with RMAN
- block usage vs. extent allocation
- Can an O9.2 client see an O10g DB?
- Can only see 2 columns in SQL*Plus
- Can we run DBVERIFY on raw file system?
- can't start dbsnmp or listener through remsh
- Cannot insert '' into NOT NULL column
- Change Data Capture
- Change of subject: Principles of locking
- changing workgroup corrupts autostart service on windows 2000?
- cherche pharmacien remplaçant
- Christina Aguilera naked
- Common mistakes when upgrading to 9i
- Conceivably a daft question...
- Concise Resource\Book on Oraice9i
- Conditions for AQ
- Connect from Oracle 8i/Solaris to MS SQL Server
- Connect Internal vs Connect / as sysdba
- Connection problem ORA 12535 TNS Timeout
- Connection problems
- Connections versus Sessions
- Convert columns to rows
- Convert DBA_JOBS.INTERVAL to date
- Converting ISO8859p1 to UTF8.
- Converting UTF8 to WE8MSWIN1252
- Copy database?
- creating a foreign key referencing a non-primary key
- Creating a logical standby
- Crystal Reports integration with Oracle 9iAS
- data exchange techniques
- Data Guard 9ir2 - Data Guard Manager hangs on preparing primary database
- Data in Text file thru Stored procedure
- database open hangs
- Dataguard for Oracle10g?
- date fromat for 9i
- DB Link to SQL Server?
- DBCA Connection Options - How to determine an existing server mode?
- DBMS_XMLQUERY : available with which version
- dbmssupp.sql
- dbsnmp......
- Dependencies between Packaged Procedures
- Deploying 11i and 10g in a grid environment
- DES3Encrypt
- Detection of Oacle Client on Windows
- difference v8 v9
- different explain plan on production & test DB
- different ways of archiving current redo log
- Direct IO In RH 3.0
- Distributed Query in 8i->9i now slower 9i->9i
- distributed transactions with more than one application
- Dreadful RMAN bug
- dumb question- can you backup only data from tables? DBA sez no
- dynamic service registration
- Dynamic SQL through SOAP
- dynamic view/crosstab query question
- Enable 32K Block in 8K Block DB
- ER diagram
- Erorr Message during backup of database
- Error in calling external procedure
- Error ORA-01044 after migration Oracle-DB 8.i to Oracle-DB 9.i
- Error VXA-2028 after starting OMS
- error while im installing: TNSLSNR.EXE can't read memory
- Errors using UTL_HTTP
- escaping problem with sqlldr commandline
- Excessive Logical and Physical I/O
- Execute command in stored proc?
- exp/imp and extents
- Export data from 9i to 8i server ?
- extract just the time from a date time field
- FAQ - Etiquette - and how to get an answer
- find email address in clob
- firewall problem
- FLOAT(0)
- Foolish question regarding ref cursors
- Fragmentation and TRUNCATE vs. DROP
- Full text search in oracle
- Get database connection performance
- getting result like in desc some_table with select?
- global temporary table and connection pooling
- Globus - Oracle
- Has anyone noticed
- Help - Oracle not available on running catproc.sql in 9i
- HELP : Problem with 'Not In'
- Help needed making a DB copy
- Help needed making a DB copy :Closure
- Help with Conversion
- help with recovery
- Help: Oracle 8i client will ont install on a W2k (2000) server
- Help: where to download HTML DB
- hide password for client sessions
- hide.c alternative
- Hierarchical queries and analytics
- How can that be (SQL, v$temp_space_header and dba_tablespaces)
- How do you create a small version of a large database ?
- How to apply archived redo logfiles on a consistent database
- How to avoid # via Utl_file Package
- How to create an user "INTERNAL" in Oracle9i ???
- How to determine the initial and next extent size of a table/ index?
- how to do multiple variable selects in a trigger
- how to find if a session is resumable
- How to get rid of XDB service in Oracle 9i
- How to get the information like IP address,host name etc of connected clients via V$views
- How to get version of server connected to without sys authority?
- How to include a '%' in a PL/SQL script?
- How to invoke export/import or sql loader?
- How to migrate a 24X7 DB2 server to Oracle server ?
- how to model object containment in relational
- How to read RMAN data into an Oracle Table?
- How to remove NOT NULL constraint from columns?
- How to run the Enterprise Manager 10g Java Console?
- How to store GUIDs generated from Microsoft
- how to use exp/imp only for specific columns?
- How to write this function trigger in oracle 9i?
- How we can get all the db_links that are active?
- I hate OTN now (and Metalink's searches)
- I hate OTN now (and Metalink's searches) - Follow up
- Idea for database migration using parallelism at the table level
- Identifying pairs as groups
- impact of the JVM in the database (8.1.7)
- Implicitly get the database connection
- Import Oracle6-Dump from Novell into Ora8.17 on Win2k
- import without views
- Importing older version of dmp file
- Importing sql server 7/2000 database into Oracle
- In Rman, how do you backup archivelogs not backed up?
- incomplete dependency data
- Index - Range Scan question
- INDEX RANGE SCAN not used when View is used
- Install question about Oracle8i and Debian GNU_Linux
- installing and running oracle 9 across 2 machines
- installing oracle workflow ?string?
- Intelligent agent does not start on RedHat 9
- Internal Error
- Is 10g much slower than 9i?
- is there a way to get the server MAC address through sql statement ?
- is there limit to number of partitions in a table
- Is this a good use for an IOT type table or are there better solutions.
- Is this a good use for an IOT type table or are there bettersolutions.
- Is this a good use for an IOT type table or are therebettersolutions.
- iSCSI and Oracle
- Java Jdbc driver 4K limit. Is it true?
- java stored procedures connection context
- JDBC OracleConnection setClientIdentifier method
- JDBC: Meta data: Invalid column type for DATE
- Killing an user from the user
- Large SMP Server -> Oracle 9i RAC on Linux
- Level 12 Trace
- LGWR writing junk data?
- Licensing one single user?
- LIKE help
- Limit I/O per session
- Linux vs. Windows performance.
- LMT is preferred than DMT.. but then
- Local Prefix Index on Partioned Table ?
- Locking on insert
- Logging question
- Logical Reads flow in blocks/second: how can you compute it ?
- Logminer and Date columns
- LogMiner continuous mode question...how to stop?
- Logon Trigger for SQL TRACING
- Logon Trigger for SQL TRACING using (Third party tool)
- Long wait times for db file scattered read
- Long wait times for db file sequential read
- Looking for a good way to convert from dictionnary manged TBS to Locally managed ones
- Many errors in linking Oracle9iR2 install on Fedora
- MAOP presents "Best Practices" Oracle Training Conference
- Mapping tablerow to datablock?
- Merge accross a DB Link
- Microsoft and SAP
- Migrate from solaris 2.8 to solaris 2.9
- migration database from windows nt 4 to windows 2000
- Minor, but irritating
- Monster SQL
- Monster Update
- Morgan's Problem D'Jour
- moving oracle database server into a new server
- MS SQL Server Evaluation
- Multi Threaded server not working for many inserts?
- Multiple Listener on multiple homes
- Multiple oracle Homes on one Server : 8.1.7 & 10
- Multiplexing redologs - is there still need for it?
- need help on statspack report, Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %
- Need help with DIM-0019 error installing 10g
- Need help with displaying raw data
- Need ideas for "proof test"
- needs for testing oracle database
- Nested tables, Instead Of triggers, Cast and Multiset, with PLS-00201 error
- Netapp filer & backups....
- Netapp filer....Are they worth it????
- New audit trigger question
- new DirectX Oracle online monitor
- New security alert #66 issued in Oracle web cache
- Newbie question: SQL*Plus command to see number of query result rows
- NLS character settings
- NVARCHAR2 for unicode database
- Obsolete Features in 10g
- OC4j and abnormal exit of stm.executeQuery
- ODTUG 2004 NOW!
- OEM "standard": What's included ???
- OEM backup problem windows2000, oracle 8.1.7
- OFA and file extension naming conventions
- omlet v4
- omlet v4 is released
- OMS - strange behaviour of JRE process
- OPatch
- OpenVMS Cluster Oracle Dataguard?
- optimizer question
- ORA -16014 - Error in archiving, no available destination
- ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
- ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
- ORA-01843
- ORA-08177: Cannot serialize access for this transaction
- ORA-12154: TNS: servicename
- ORA-12505: TNS:listener could not resolve SID given in connect descriptor
- ORA-12535 Connection timed out
- ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error while creating a database manually
- ORA-30205 in utl_encode.mimeheader_decode
- Oracle + ORB
- Oracle 10G - Been There Seen That! <- posting just because of happiness and joy
- Oracle 10g account problem
- Oracle 10g Internet Directory?
- Oracle 7
- Oracle 8 ( 32 bit vs 64 bit)
- Oracle 8i (8.1.7 for win32) and AMD Opteron / AMD Athlon64
- Oracle 8i client will ont install on a W2k (2000) server
- Oracle 8i: Database Configuration Assistant missing from menu
- Oracle 9.2 install on Shrike remembers original setup user
- oracle on redhat 8 "SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation"
- Oracle bugfix list is out and it is HUGE!
- oracle 9i ( - sql analyze login error
- Oracle 9i 64-bit on Windows 2003 Advanced server 64-bit
- Oracle 9IAS -vs- Apache
- Oracle and RMI
- Oracle Client on RedHat Linux- can't run sqlplus as another user
- Oracle continues outsourcing jobs
- Oracle Database 10g SQL book now available
- Oracle DBA
- Oracle implementation question
- Oracle JDBC driver exception "Stream has already been closed"
- Oracle junk......
- Oracle Licensing Paper
- Oracle Names - local listner - not view list of databases
- Oracle On Compaq Server
- Oracle Patch Set policy
- Oracle Recovery
- oracle reporting
- Oracle running in a Windows 2000 Adv server more than 4G RAM
- Oracle to MySQL integration
- oracle-l mailing list taken down?
- oracle8i and oracle 9ir2 on the same unix host
- Oracle8i client-Oracle10g server question
- Oracle9i Installation on Windows 2k Server
- Oracle9i on Linux RH9
- OT: MS and SCO: Halloween X: Follow The Money, please read
- Parent-Child Hierarchy to XML
- Partioned table cretation
- Passing a date and time to a stored procedure
- passwords in clear text and password protected roles bypass
- Patch set
- PEAR DB 1.6.0 has been released
- PEAR DB 1.6.0 has been released ED PROCHAK
- Performance &Tunning
- performance issue using select by rowid
- Performance problem - help appreciated.
- performance question
- Performance: "pl/sql" vs. "OS b-tree files"
- perl instead of tcl in 10g
- Pipelined table functions can be used inside a package?
- PL/SQL using table from another schema
- PL/SQL web strange problem
- PL/SQL: handling of empty string (strange)
- PL/SQL: How release row lock w/o COMMIT?
- PL/SQL: Return types of Result Set variables or query do not match
- playing with dbms_rowid
- Poor mans RAID10...
- poor OCFS performance under Linux
- Poor RAC inter-instance performance
- Potential Oracle Bug: SQL query hangs
- Problem with 9i Data Guard
- Problems installing Oracle9i on Fedora with 256 RAM
- Problems with Jobs in OMS
- Putting Oracle on iSCSI device....
- puzzled by ora-01438
- Q: Transportable Tablespaces and databases with different patch-level
- Q:alter table and rollback problem - urgent
- Question on JDBC connection
- Question: traversing a firewall with Oracle 9i R2.
- RAC alternatives: do you have suggestions? (HELP!)
- RAC and load-balancing a connection pool
- RAISED EXCEPTION not well caught
- real application cluster
- real applicaton cluster
- Recovery of an Oracle Database from a disk crash
- Redirect the RMAN output to a text file
- Release dates for 10g (again ) AS and DB
- Relink gives errors
- Remote login on closed database ORA-01031
- REMOVE Folder/file from O/S using UTL_FILE
- repeating ORA-06508 error, comes and goes PR5789
- Resemble script for Oracle database
- Resources for learning 10g in RedHat/Linux environment?
- Returning Long Datatype from Oracle database in .Net
- rman and DR
- RMAN Failures
- RMAN internal`s mechanism
- RMAN post-structural autobackups
- Rman question - recover after a delete obsolete?
- Rman Scripts
- Rollback segments
- rolling forward after import
- Row Level Security in 8.1.6 ?
- RUN RMAN using UTL_FILE Package
- Running application and database on same hardware?
- Salary for Senior Oracle DBA in Toronto
- SAP BW compared to Essbase/SQLServer/Oracle as a Enterprise Data
- searching for encrypted fields in data columns
- searching sizing informations aboit HRMS implementation
- Seattle Technology Day
- Select all tables from schema
- Sending Multilingual Mails via PL/SQL in Oracle
- Seperate Oracle Homes for each instance.
- setting timed_statistics = true
- SGI ==> Solaris cloning - any known issues?
- shared pool kghupr1
- Should DBA have access to sar and top?
- single table hash clusters in 9.2 - anyone tried them out yet?
- Slow connect by prior ... start with subquery in 9i
- slow insert performance
- Slow update query
- SMON eating 90% CPU
- SMON: Parallel transaction recovery tried
- smtp.ira.uni-karlsruhe.de
- snapshot vs MV
- Snapshot/Materialized view and table/index statistics
- Some questions on indexes
- SPAMlet v4
- SPAMlet v4 is released
- SQL and boolean stuff
- SQL fast, PL/SQL slow, optimizer confused.
- SQL Fun Challenge #2
- SQL Fun Challenge #3
- SQL LDR and FLOAT field
- SQL Serious Challenge # 1 - Probably Not Much Fun
- SQL Trace Output - Query vs Disk - Are they mutually exclisive?
- SQL*Plus: can variables be used for control of execution?
- standby database not in synchronize with production database
- Statistics for comp.databases.oracle.server - WE 03/07/2004
- Statistics for comp.databases.oracle.server - WE 03/13/2004
- Statistics for comp.databases.oracle.server - WE 03/21/2004
- Statistics for comp.databases.oracle.server - WE 03/28/2004
- stddev -> %
- storage
- strange date insertion
- Strange optimizer problem
- STUFF command
- Switch off Fine Grained Access Control within database packaged procedures
- System I/O and Disk I/O
- Table Monitoring in 10G versus 8i
- Tablespace distribution on 3 external hard disks
- Temp table in Procedure
- that is only a test. please ignore.
- Thin client JDBC driver: Increased CPU consumption on server side
- tkprof problem
- trace files
- trivial pursuit - filesystemio_options
- Troubleshooting ORA-01555 while using AUM
- Tuning 8i Help Plz!!!
- Tuning a Parent-Child Table in Oracle Server
- Unable to distinguish the difference in RMAN configuration
- undefined number of parameters
- Underlying Implementation of VARCHAR data types
- uninstall 10g
- Unique Error comes during backup
- Unit of VALUE column in V$S[E|Y]SSTAT when name like 'table scans%' ?
- Unix/Oracle context switching
- Unusually high number of current mode reads for a GTT insert
- Updating by RowId when alread has fetched the row....
- Urgend: Replace "special" Characters in Database ...
- Used ports on oracle
- using cdc in Oracle Warhouse Builder
- using timestamp in triggers
- UTL_FILE - Help
- Utl_inaddr
- UTL_INADDR package.
- utlbstat/utlestat
- V$SQLAREA to determine most disk intensive SQL
- Validity of HKLM\Software\Oracle\ALL_HOMES\Default_Home ?
- Varbinary in Oracle
- Verifying encryption is working? (Oracle 8i, Win2k server)
- Very high CPU on OS side vs very high dbFileSeqRead on Oracle side...
- very low hit ratio
- What does my CPU util drops every time I bounce my DB ?
- What happens to DB when Oracle Server is upgraded from win'98 to 2000
- What is purpose of multiset collections?
- What Linux kernel for 10g?
- What's in the "BASIC" Oracle enterprise manager (8.1.7.x) ?
- When You Hear The Heavy Accent & The Poor Phone Connection... HANG UP!! ----- JWC6DEG6d
- where is this GLOBAL_NAME value coming from?
- where to download HTML DB
- Why does Oracle sort hashjoin output before parallel insert?
- Why doesn't this update statement work?
- Win2k/9.2 Service dying with no alert log
- win32: bug: OracleOraHome101iSQL*Plus service, net stop fails
- write access problems with oracle server and access frontend
- Yearly Automatic Table Insertion
- Yet another ORA-01555 question
- Z800 SLOW!
- Last message date: Wed Mar 31 2004 - 23:53:55 CST
- Archived on: Sun Jan 09 2005 - 07:11:19 CST