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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Connect Internal vs Connect / as sysdba
"Neil Cudd" <> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I know this subject must have been done to death, but I have had two
> occasions recently where I found myself wishing for the opportunity to
> connect internal (how often does that happen ?).
> I'm on AIX 5L and
> An instance recently hit max # of sessions. Any attempt to connect /
> as sysdba
From where? A client or the server itself?
>gives the "Max # of sessions exceeded" message - unhelpful.
> In the end I had to kill the unix processes.
> Another instance recently had the archive log area fill. Any attempt
> to connect / as sysdba gave the message (bizzarely) that the instance
> was not started.
The *exact* error message would be helpful. If it says startup or shutdown in progress, that tells us a thing or two (namely that, for some reason, your connection attempt is being interpreted as a connection request from an ordinary user).
>This also seemed to refuse RMAN connections (my RMAN
> archive backup and delete script just hung. In the end I grew the
> archive log filesystem, bu7t this may not always be possible.
> In both cases I know I would have been able to proeviously connect
> internal (in earlier versions).
The difficulty *may* be along the lines that "connect internal" is unambiguous. Whereas "connect / as sysdba" could, because of the spaces involved, be mis-parsed for some reason as "connect /", meaning an ordinary user is attempting to connect with external authentication. And that might be why you are experiencing the issues.
It's difficult to know unless you can replicate the issue (temporarily point archiving to an incorrect file location, for example, if that is possible) and then provide exact screen captures (of the text, not graphics!).
>And whilst I could have cleanly shut
> the instance for the first issue (max connections), the second issue
> (arch log area full) required the RMAN connection to resolve the issue
> but was unable.
> Are these known holes in the functionality of connect / as sysdba ?
None that I am aware of. It is functionally identical to connect internal. There were bugs when it first came out, but that was ages ago, and (as far as I know) fully fixed by the time you get to
> Metalink can be decidedly unhelpful in situations like these, simply
> stating "Connect internal is no longer supportd".
> Many thanks for any help and answers,
> Regards,
> neil.
Received on Tue Mar 16 2004 - 05:26:51 CST
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