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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Tuning 8i Help Plz!!!
> i get the results as follows , any tips on tuning by seeing these output?
Just by scanning your results, the first thing I'd say is that you don't know how long those waits took. There is no timing information. One event could occur 1,000 times and another event could occur 1,000,000 times. Which event do you tune? If someone said anything other than "I don't know", then their answer is incorrect. If the first event occurred 1,000 times but caused processes to wait for 100 minutes and the second event occurred 1,000,000 times but only caused processes to wait for 1 minute, then I'd spend my efforts on the first event. So without timing information, any tuning efforts could be spent in vain.
Now comes the hard part. What are you tuning for? What are you hoping to fix? What is your desired end result? It appears to me, with the query that you ran and the question that you asked, that you are tuning for tuning's sake. That is not a proper way to tune. How do you know that something is even wrong? You can't run this query and know that something is wrong. You need to know that something is wrong, in other words, some level of performance is unacceptable. You need to know what that thing is. And then, depending on what is wrong, you need to focus your efforts in a logical direction. You also need to know when to stop tuning, in other words, what level of performance is acceptable. Otherwise, a person could spend their entire life tuning.
Tuning an Oracle database by blindly querying for performance metrics, when one doesn't even know what they are looking for, is not a way to tune, IMHO. I'd highly recommend reading the Oracle docs on performance tuning, or getting a good book on the topic.
-- =================================================================== Brian Peasland Remove the "remove_spam." from the email address to email me. "I can give it to you cheap, quick, and good. Now pick two out of the three"Received on Wed Mar 17 2004 - 09:24:02 CST