EM java console is on the companion CD.
Gerald Rosenberg wrote:
> In article <Rc65c.2$DI4.0_at_newsfe1-win>, nospamplease_at_goaway.com says...
>>"Gerald Rosenberg" <No_at_address.net> wrote in message
>>>Just setup a test/development installation of 10g on Fedora Core 1.
>>>FWIW, installed on an 'underspec' 600MHz/384MB P III system - aside from
>>>being a tad pokey at a few isolated points, such as database startup and
>>>on launching the EM, the system is remarkably responsive.
>>>Now I want to begin exploring the XDB capabilities. The web-based EM
>>>merely gives a "tip" to use the "Enterprise Manager 10g Java Console."
>>>Can't find it though. Searching OTN and Google produce no results (just
>>>further references to the web-based EM).
>>>How do I start the Enterprise Manager 10g Java Console? Where is the
>>>documentation for it?
>>emctl start dbconsole
>>from the command line
> Thanks, but that is just the command to start the "Database Console,"
> which starts quite properly as part of my init.d process.
> Now I'm looking for how to start the "Enterprise Manager 10g Java
> Console."
Received on Mon Mar 15 2004 - 17:32:48 CST