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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: ORA-12505: TNS:listener could not resolve SID given in connect descriptor
"Ranga prasadR" <> wrote in message
> Hi Group,
> ORA-12505: TNS:listener could not resolve SID given in connect
> descriptor
> I had seen some of your suggestions in oracle forums. i have the
> following error on my server.
> These are things that i had done. i tried to convert one of my
> database to archivelog mode by shutting down the database, which ended
> in the following,
> When i tried to restart the database i got a error saying " listener
> could not find the active instance appropriate to the connection " i
> tried to trouble shoot that which resulted in " hostdef doesn't exist
> error" .
> I some how managed to change and troubleshoot by changing the
> remote_login_password_file=none and then to exclusive & restart the
> services but it resulted in some other error saying
> ora - 12514 : Tns couldnot resolve the service name given in the
> connect_descriptor. I checked listener.ora,tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora
> with the sample format of you i got from forums. But my error is not
> solved.
> My database is not registering with the listener right now. i tried
> running lsnrctl services but still it not registering. I tried
> removing the existing listener and create a new one. But when i run
> lsnrctl services again the database is not registering with the
> listener. But the other two databases available on the server are
> registering. What could be the possible cause. I tried running lsnrctl
> services by switching on the tracing. But still i could see the
> following error
> NL - 00303 : Syntax error in NV string.
> TNS-01153 : Failed to process string :<DESCRIPTION=<TMP=>>
> I have a active export dump of the entire database so i can crash the
> database and recreate with the dump but is there any other way to
> solve.
> Pls help me regarding this. Awaiting for your response.
> With regards,
> Ranga prasad R
Well, come on! Use that thing between your ears. You post a question about tnsnames and listeners, yet you *don't* include your tnsnames.ora and your listener.ora -which are precisely the documents needed to help you!
You also don't mention Oracle version or O/S (though you mention services somewhere along the line, so I think we can guess... but as to which specific flavour of Windows...??)
Because your instance isn't registering correctly, whereas two other databases are, we'd better have your local_listener parameter from your init.ora, too.
And we might as well have your sqlnet.ora as well. And if there are copies of sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora on both the client and the server, we'd better have both.
Received on Fri Mar 19 2004 - 06:11:33 CST
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