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ORA-12505: TNS:listener could not resolve SID given in connect descriptor

From: Ranga prasadR <>
Date: 19 Mar 2004 00:57:00 -0800
Message-ID: <>

Hi Group,

ORA-12505: TNS:listener could not resolve SID given in connect descriptor

I had seen some of your suggestions in oracle forums. i have the following error on my server.

These are things that i had done. i tried to convert one of my database to archivelog mode by shutting down the database, which ended in the following,
When i tried to restart the database i got a error saying " listener could not find the active instance appropriate to the connection " i tried to trouble shoot that which resulted in " hostdef doesn't exist error" .

I some how managed to change and troubleshoot by changing the remote_login_password_file=none and then to exclusive & restart the services but it resulted in some other error saying

ora - 12514 : Tns couldnot resolve the service name given in the connect_descriptor. I checked listener.ora,tnsnames.ora,sqlnet.ora with the sample format of you i got from forums. But my error is not solved.

My database is not registering with the listener right now. i tried running lsnrctl services but still it not registering. I tried removing the existing listener and create a new one. But when i run lsnrctl services again the database is not registering with the listener. But the other two databases available on the server are registering. What could be the possible cause. I tried running lsnrctl services by switching on the tracing. But still i could see the following error

NL - 00303 : Syntax error in NV string.
TNS-01153 : Failed to process string :<DESCRIPTION=<TMP=>>

I have a active export dump of the entire database so i can crash the database and recreate with the dump but is there any other way to solve.

Pls help me regarding this. Awaiting for your response.

With regards,

Ranga prasad R Received on Fri Mar 19 2004 - 02:57:00 CST

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