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Agreed. Actually all the OP really told us was that he was "getting
more and more errors in the C/S app" He couldn't or wouldn't describe
the errors, and admitted there were no Oracle errors ("These were not
oracle errors so I have no ORA numbers."). I read his message to
condense down to "This app went down the tubes. I can't provide any
details, but please tell me my DBA is incompetent so I can put the
blame on him."
On 11 Mar 2004 12:58:25 -0800, (Mark) wrote:
>Sorry. I've heard this story too many times from application
>developer's like yourself. I'd like to hear your DBA's side before I
>made any judgment on what happened.
>Mark Simmons
>Sr. Oracle DBA
>Sabre-Holdings, Southlake, TX
> (D) wrote in message news:<>...
>> Long story short- I trusted our DBA to solve the problem and he threw
>> up his hands:
>> We have a client server app that connects to Oracle. For some reason
>> we were getting more and more errors in the C/S app when connecting to
>> data. No one here had the expertise to solve them, so we called in a
>> consultant. Consultant resinstalled application and ran scripts which
>> built the oracle 8i database. We took the export file of the original
>> database, but every time our DBA imported it we got the same
>> application errors. These were not oracle errors so I have no ORA
>> numbers. We started again 3 times and each time during the import the
>> data and our dba said- "the application is wrong, I give up."
>> I created the instance one more time via the setup scripts. I
>> painstakingly generated insert statements for all the data using TOAD
>> and then ran those insert scripts into oracle via sqlplus. A real
>> pain. Problem was solved in 2 hours and the C/S application works
>> fine.
>> It sounds to me like the export/import took information about the
>> schema, users, roles, or in vague generalities- "data structure"
>> outside of the data itself. When I imported just the data from the
>> tables- no errors.
>> I am no maintenance DBA, I design tables in oracle for use in
>> applications. How could we have used our export file to just import
>> the data and not other elements of the export file (users, schema,
>> etc)? what did our DBA do wrong and what does it show about his
>> skills or lack thereof? (I'm kind of pissed I had to take this over.)
>> Thanks,
>> Don
Received on Fri Mar 12 2004 - 07:44:28 CST