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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Idea for database migration using parallelism at the table level
Thank you for the tip.
Originally, my thinking was to do as many tables in a single imp pass (data,index,constraints) as possible. It would reduce the number of imp logs to review, but I should just automate the review in the script.
As far as going with INDEXES=y or INDEXFILE=index.sql, I don't see much difference between the two. Either way the indexes are created after the table is loaded and I can always alter the parallel degree of the indexes before starting the migration. Isn't that simpler than messing around with hundreds of INDEXFILEs or breaking up a single big INDEXFILE into parallel chunks?
Enabling table constraints will involve full scans of the tables and parent index lookups, so I don't don't think your suggestion of enabling them via full import is a good idea since it won't be parallel.
Even though I disagree with a couple of your points, I do agree my first attempt was needlessly complex. I'm not even sure Phase 4 in the new plan below is really needed. The table level imports will enable table triggers once the data and indexes are done. The exp documentation doesn't mention if TRIGGERS=n excludes table triggers only. Unless someone knows for sure, it should be simple to check once I start testing.
Phase 1 - a. Precreate Tables
b. Get Constraints/Triggers not in first exp/imp
Phase 2 and 3 will use a script to generate the table list and then spawn N processes to process the list in parallel.
Phase 2 - All Tables and Indexes
Phase 3 - All Table Constraints
Phase 4 - Non-Table Triggers (anything else missed)
"koert54" <> wrote in message news:<Q4f6c.10918688$>...
> I think you make it too complex - deal with the data & indexes first - do
> everything else last
> I would :
> - precreate users/tables
> - parallel import data (just the data)
> - break up indexfile -> parallel create indexes
> - full import (no data, no index, all the rest - to enable constrants,
> grants, views, etc)
> maybe is something for you ?
Received on Thu Mar 18 2004 - 09:50:08 CST
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