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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Multi Threaded server not working for many inserts?
"Daniel Morgan" <> wrote in message
> Royco wrote:
> > Configure MTS on both instances and the same SQL from SQLPlus creates a
> > respronding database.
> >
> > Roy
> If you want help it would be useful if when you make statements like
> the above you provided details. How can anyone tell if you did it
> correctly? What, specifically, did you do?
> I want to add my voice to the chorus of those that have been
> successfully using MTS and are extremely doubtful that it is your
> problem. And I still have seen no evidence that you have tried
> running your code in dedicated mode to verify that the problem is
> with MTS.
> Any chance you could provide the required details and ... is there
> anyway we could stop cross-posting this thread?
> Thanks.
> --
> Daniel Morgan
> (replace 'x' with a 'u' to reply)
To make a long story short..... I finally found this article on metalink
under number 500813.996
It IS a problem with Oracle 8i (only VMS?) and I am not the only one. Problems seem to be solved in Unfortunately I can't wait for 9i to be implemented in our organisation so I have to 'work around'.
Roy Received on Wed Mar 17 2004 - 09:45:10 CST