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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Multiple oracle Homes on one Server : 8.1.7 & 10
Hello Niall,
We are currently using Oracle, and we are planning to install a
copy of Oracle 10g.
You say you wouldn't run 10g in a production environment ? Why ? Don't they
have a stable version yet ?
-- Greetz, Frederic Hoornaert (Plz remove .nospam from my email address when replying to this message) "Niall Litchfield" <> wrote in message news:4069836a$0$3303$ on Tue Mar 30 2004 - 08:42:34 CST
> Yes it is technically possible, this laptop has 817,901,92 and 10.1 on it.
> Would I want to do it in production - no way. OTOH I wouldn't run 10g in
> production yet either.
> for preference use the 10g listener, but 817 will need to be patched to
> 8174. the 10g install notes cover multiple homes.
> --
> Niall Litchfield
> Oracle DBA
> Audit Commission UK
> "Frederic Hoornaert" <> wrote in
> message news:40696b56$0$1941$
> Hello,
> I just want to know if it is technically possible to install Oracle 8.1.7
> Oracle 10 on the same server while users can connect to both databases
> without having to change any parameters on the server.
> The server is a Win2K server and has currently installed Oracle 8.1.7. We
> would like to install Oracle 10 in a seperate home.
> Is this possible ? What are the restrictions ? Do we need to use the
> utility to switch homes? Or can we just use two seperate listeners, one
> the Oracle 8i and one for the Oracle 10 server ?
> --
> Greetz,
> Frederic Hoornaert
> (Plz remove .nospam. from my email address when replying to this message)