Ed Stevens wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Mar 2004 13:32:11 -0500, "Bib Endum"
> <gd-newsgroups_at_spamex.com> wrote:
>>"Ed Stevens" <nospam_at_noway.nohow> a écrit dans le message de
>>>Server Platform: Oracle EE 9.2 on Solaris 8
>>>Client platform: Oracle 8.1.7 on Win2k
>>>On my desketop I have a login.sql file with the following:
>>>column global_name new_value gname
>>>set termout off
>>>select lower(user) || '@' ||
>>>decode(global_name, 'ORACLE8.WORLD', '8.0',
>>> 'ORA8I.WORLD', '8i',
>>> global_name) global_name from global_name;
>>>set sqlprompt '&gname> '
>>>set termout on
>>>This has worked quite nicely to set my sql prompt to keep me informed
>>>of who and where I am. Until now.
>>>While I have been maintaining some Unix based databases that I
>>>inherited, yesterday I did my first creation of a db on Unix. Used
>>>dbca and netca and everything went swimmingly. But when I connect
>>>from my desktop with SQLPlus and the above login.sql file, my prompt
>>>looks like this:
>>Is there a TNS_ADMIN variable set somewhere on your UNIX Box ?
>>echo $TNS_ADMIN from shell prompt
>>If it existe, does it point to a legit directory ?
>>Have you tried NOT setting the DB_DOMAIN in your INIT.ORA instead of setting
>>it to blank ?
> No TNS_ADMIN variable. Didn't believe there was, since I helped build
> this one, but I checked to confirm.
> Commented out the DB_DOMAIN, bounced the db. No change.
What's in sqlnet/ora file?
Received on Tue Mar 16 2004 - 19:58:04 CST