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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: 8i & 9i cohabitation
"zeb" <> a écrit dans le message de
> Hi,
> To test 8i to 9i migration
> Is there any inconvenient to use the same
> OS user oracle to install 9i product
> ( with a new ORACLE_HOME )
> or I have to create a new user oracle9 ?
> I have the same question on windows...
> Thanks in advance
> Oracle:
> HP-UX 11.0 and WINDOWS 2000
Under UNIX, to keep things clean while testing a new release, I generally create another user with the same id as oracle and install in another oracle home. This permits the user to have it own $HOME directory and set of environment variable, while at the same time keep in house scripts running (Ex: File permissions for backups, shell script files ownership etc...etc...) Otherwise, you may be left maintaining 2 separate "enviroments" scripts for your oracle account and you may end up (for example) shuting down the wrong instance, deleteing the wrong file, stuff like that.
You could also create a new UNIX account, but if you decide that you like the new release and want to use the old userid, you're toast.
UNIX only cares about the userid, not the actual username.
As for windows, I avoid microsoft like the plague as much as I can, so I can't help you. Received on Thu Mar 11 2004 - 14:55:13 CST