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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: MS SQL Server Evaluation
Burt Peltier wrote:
> When/if sqlserver adds bitmap indexes, it will of course be a M$
> "Innovation".
> But, seriously, they do have some slick interfaces.
> It seems Oracle still needs to put more work into GUI Tools.
> But, then again, you can always buy a version of TOAD (as 1 example) of a
> slick GUI interface to Oracle.
I find those M$ interfaces are extremely slick - at diverting one's
attention from the fact that a database management system is supposed to
manage the database, not the user interface; [like VB & friends] at
encouraging some people to avoid understanding the underlying principals
while pretending to be programmers; at attempting to integrate away the
potential competition [but it's ALL part of the operating system ....].
(Sorry - couldn't resist. Seen it once too often.) <\rant> Received on Fri Mar 12 2004 - 09:28:05 CST