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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Many errors in linking Oracle9iR2 install on Fedora
Hi, I've been trying to install oracle9ir2 on Fedora Core1 and after copying all
the files as part of the install, when in the link stage where I am supposed to
get just 2 errors being those with and, I get many
more errors before that like:
Error in invoking target of install in makefile of :
ins_ldap ins_plsql ins_sqlplus ins_precomp ins_net_client ins_net_server ins_rdbms etc
Also, when I get to the stage where I get errors and then add the $(LDLIBFLAG)dl to the INSO_LINK section of, and hit retry it still doesnt solve the problem with this make.
I install the patchset 9204 but I get the same errors.
Then after following all the instructions to the T as much as i could I run dbca and get an error in orapwd during the database creation stage after which it stops.
Please can someone help with how to fix the errors above an relink? I'd appreciate it a lot, Thanks very much! Received on Sat Mar 20 2004 - 20:01:09 CST