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Re: Remote login on closed database ORA-01031

From: yannickk <>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 15:21:40 +0100
Message-ID: <40570d76$0$5916$>

In fact I have no more information or error message than the one shown in the sessions copied at the end of my first message.

For the password file, I created it in my $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory on the database server with :

victoria_at_lion$ orapwd file=orapwvictoria.ora password=manager entries=5

But it seems to be ok since I can log on in when the base is started.

And my sqlnet.ora looks like this :

# SQLNET.ORA Network Configuration File: E:\Applications\Oracle817\network\admin\sqlnet.ora # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES= (NTS) NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH= (TNSNAMES) Is there any influence of the sqlnet configuration on this kind of problems ?

I thought about the problem of role that I mentioned in my first message but it can't be that, just because role are only in use when the database is open and my problem take place before.


"Howard J. Rogers" <> a écrit dans le message de news:4056e31b$0$3958$
> Without any output aas to *exactly* what you did, it's a bit hard to
> How exactly did you create the password file in the first place?
> And how exactly are you attempting to connect as sysdba from your client?
> And what exactly is in your sqlnet.ora file on the Windows client?
> And if you have an error numbers to report, please include the error
> text as well, because we don't all know all 30,000-odd error numbers off
> top of our heads.
> Regards
> "yannickk" <> wrote in message
> news:4056e098$0$5916$
> > Hi
> >
> > I must missed something but can not figure what on remote administration
> of
> > Oracle database.
> >
> > I have a 8.1.7 database on Linux which works fine. The other day I
> to
> > test some remote administration, like shuting down and starting up this
> > database remotely.
> >
> > I created the password file, add the parameter remote_login_passwordfile
> > exclusive on my init file and restarted the base.
> >
> > So now, from my Windows 2000 workstation, with a Oracle 8.1.7 client, I
> can
> > log in as SYSDBA under SQL*Plus, DBA Studio or TOAD for example without
> any
> > problem and even shuting down the base. Everything work fine.
> > If I don't quit SQL*Plus, I can lauch a startup command with the pfile
> > parameter using a local init file and my database restart.
> >
> > But the problem is when I quit SQL*Plus and try later to log in or under
> > another Instance Manager tool like TOAD DBA module or DBA Studio.
> > happen.
> >
> > In fact, when I try to relaunch SQL*Plus whith my SYSDBA account, I got
> > ORA-01031 error. It's the same for TOAD (but it seems to use SQL*Plus).
> > Under DBA Studio, I can log in but I can't start the base, but no
> to
> > know why.
> >
> > I also tried under a Linux station with a 9i version on it and get the
> same
> > problem.
> >
> > The validation of my SYSDBA login seems to be ok but not for login on
> > closed database.
> >
> > I tried to find informations on Metalink and groups without success. I
> find
> > some informations about problems on administrative grants which don't
> > when granted under roles in some circonstances, but without more
> > information, I can't verify this possibility.
> >
> > I must forget something or not understand a particular point but I'm a
> > little confused by the fact that the authentification works fine for
> > operations and not for another one.
> >
> > Any help would be great !
> >
> > Tx
> > Yannick
> >
> >
> >
> > PS: Ask for more informations if needed
> >
> > ---
> >
> > Here some examples of sessions.
> >
> > From my Windows 2000 workstation. Distant database name victoria with
> > user SYS and the password manager set in the password file.
> > A first login on the started database / shutdown / startup with local
> pfile
> > /shutdown => OK
> > Quit SQL*Plus and the login doesn't work anymore
> >
> > ****
> >
> > F:\>sqlplus "sys/manager_at_victoria as sysdba"
> > SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Ma Mar 16 11:43:50 2004
> > (c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
> >
> > Connecté à :
> > Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
> > JServer Release - Production
> >
> > SQL> shutdown immediate
> > Base de données fermée.
> > Base de données démontée.
> > Instance ORACLE arrétée.
> > SQL> startup pfile="P:\performances\oracle\initvictoria.ora"
> > Instance ORACLE lancée.
> >
> > Total System Global Area 25407648 bytes
> > Fixed Size 73888 bytes
> > Variable Size 24436736 bytes
> > Database Buffers 819200 bytes
> > Redo Buffers 77824 bytes
> > Base de données montée.
> > Base de données ouverte.
> > SQL> shutdown immediate
> > Base de données fermée.
> > Base de données démontée.
> > Instance ORACLE arrétée.
> > SQL> exit
> > Déconnecté de Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
> > JServer Release - Production
> >
> > F:\>sqlplus "sys/manager_at_victoria as sysdba"
> > SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Ma Mar 16 11:45:00 2004
> > (c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
> >
> > ERROR:
> > ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
> >
> > Entrez le nom utilisateur :
> >
> > ****
> >
> > Another log on the same base, from my Linux station, client 9i
> >
> > ****
> > oracle9i_at_slck91:~$ sqlplus 'sys/manager_at_victoria as sysdba'
> > SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Mar 16 10:13:48 2004
> > Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
> >
> > Connected to:
> > Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
> > JServer Release - Production
> >
> > SQL> shutdown immediate
> > Database closed.
> > Database dismounted.
> > ORACLE instance shut down.
> > SQL> exit
> > Disconnected from Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release -
> Production
> > JServer Release - Production
> >
> > oracle9i_at_slck91:~$ sqlplus 'sys/manager_at_victoria as sysdba'
> > SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Mar 16 10:14:14 2004
> > Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
> >
> > ERROR:
> > ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
> >
> > Enter user-name:
> >
> >
Received on Tue Mar 16 2004 - 08:21:40 CST

Original text of this message