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Home -> Community -> Usenet -> c.d.o.server -> Re: Pipelined table functions can be used inside a package? wrote:
> Hi, I tried to use pipelined table functions inside a test package
> (the package code is at the end of the messagge).
> The package is created without errors and calling the table functions
> from a SQL statement like:
> SELECT * FROM TABLE(test_pkg.get_my_data2(1,'Numero: '))
> everything works fine.
> But if I try to recompile the package with:
> the session hangs up and I need to kill the session.
> Why this happens? There are some mistakes in the code?
> P.S. I noticed that the documentation of Oracle 9.2 describes the
> PIPELINED Clause at page 13-54 of the 'SQL Reference' for standalone
> funcions but not for functions inside packages ('PL/SQL User's Guide
> and Reference' page 13-93).
> But if pipelined table functions are not supported inside packages why
> my test_pkg works fine but ALTER PACKAGE not?
> Thanks.
Can't answer that question. And I'm certainly not going to defend Oracle documentation today. But if it says you can't ... don't. The solution is painless.
-- Daniel Morgan (replace 'x' with a 'u' to reply)Received on Fri Mar 12 2004 - 11:38:59 CST